Contains the hooks which may be attached to in creating plugins
from typing import Any, Dict, Sequence, List, Tuple, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable
from pyfileconf.main import PipelineManager
from pyfileconf.iterate import IterativeRunner
from pyfileconf.basemodels.config import ConfigBase
from pyfileconf.config.models.manager import ConfigManager
from pyfileconf.runner.models.runner import Runner
import pluggy
from pyfileconf.runner.models.interfaces import RunnerArgs, ResultOrResults
hookspec = pluggy.HookspecMarker("pyfileconf")
def pyfileconf_iter_get_cases(
config_updates: Sequence[Dict[str, Any]], runner: "IterativeRunner",
) -> List[Tuple[Dict[str, Any], ...]]:
Called in PipelineManager.run_iter and IterativeRunner to take the user passed
config updates and return the config cases to be run
:param config_updates: list of kwarg dictionaries which would normally be provided to .update
:param runner: :class:`IterativeRunner` which has been constructed to call iteration
:return: config cases to be run
def pyfileconf_iter_modify_cases(
cases: List[Tuple[Dict[str, Any], ...]], runner: "IterativeRunner"
Called in PipelineManager.run_iter and IterativeRunner to take the collected
config cases to be run and modify them in place.
:param cases: list of tuples of kwarg dictionaries which would normally be provided to .update
:param runner: :class:`IterativeRunner` which has been constructed to call iteration
:return: None
def pyfileconf_iter_update_for_case(
case: Tuple[Dict[str, Any], ...], runner: "IterativeRunner"
Called in PipelineManager.run_iter and IterativeRunner to take the case
containing all the updates and actually run the updates, before running
this case.
:param case: tuple of kwarg dictionaries which would normally be provided to .update
:param runner: :class:`IterativeRunner` which has been constructed to call iteration
:return: None
def pyfileconf_pre_run(
section_path_str_or_list: RunnerArgs, pm: "PipelineManager"
) -> Optional[RunnerArgs]:
Called at the beginning of PipelineManager.run. Can optionally return
additional section paths to run. If section_path_str_or_list is a
list then it can also be modified in place.
:param section_path_str_or_list: section paths which were passed to
:param pm: The manager responsible for the run
:return: additional sections/functions to run, if any
def pyfileconf_post_run(
results: ResultOrResults, runner: 'Runner'
) -> Optional[ResultOrResults]:
Called at the end of PipelineManager.run. Can optionally return
additional results which will be appended to the results list. If results is mutable
then it can also be modified in place.
:param results: results from running section/function
:param runner: :class:`Runner` which has been called to run function/section
:return: additional results, if any
def pyfileconf_pre_update(
pm: "PipelineManager",
d_: dict,
section_path_str: str,
kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
Called at the beginning of PipelineManager.update. Can optionally return
a dictionary of updates which will be used to update the passed dictionary.
Can also modify the passed dictionaries in place.
:param pm: The manager responsible for the run
:param d_: dictionary of config updates
:param section_path_str: section path of config to be updated
:param kwargs: dictionary of config updates
:return: optional updates to config updates
This is not called at the beginning of PipelineManager.update_batch,
for that use :func:`pyfileconf_pre_update_batch`
def pyfileconf_post_update(
pm: "PipelineManager",
d_: dict,
section_path_str: str,
kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
Called at the end of PipelineManager.update.
:param pm: The manager responsible for the run
:param d_: dictionary of config updates
:param section_path_str: section path of config which was updated
:param kwargs: dictionary of config updates
:return: None
This is not called at the end of PipelineManager.update_batch,
for that use :func:`pyfileconf_post_update_batch`
def pyfileconf_pre_update_batch(
pm: "PipelineManager",
updates: Iterable[dict],
) -> Iterable[dict]:
Called at the beginning of PipelineManager.update_batch. Should
return an iterable of updates, which will be included in the
updates to be run
:param pm: The manager responsible for the run
:param updates: iterable of dictionaries of config updates
:return: optional updates to config updates
def pyfileconf_post_update_batch(
pm: "PipelineManager",
updates: Iterable[dict],
Called at the end of PipelineManager.update_batch.
:param pm: The manager responsible for the run
:param updates: iterable of dictionaries of config updates
:return: None
def pyfileconf_pre_config_changed(
manager: 'ConfigManager',
orig_config: 'ConfigBase',
updates: Dict[str, Any],
section_path_str: str,
) -> None:
Called just before a config changes, regardless of whether
the change is due to update, reset, or refresh.
:param manager: the config manager in which the changing
config resides
:param orig_config: the original config, before any changes
:param updates: the updates which will be made to the config
:param section_path_str: the section path string which can
be used to look up the config
:return: None
Only called if the action would actually modify the config
def pyfileconf_post_config_changed(
manager: 'ConfigManager',
new_config: 'ConfigBase',
updates: Dict[str, Any],
section_path_str: str,
) -> None:
Called just after a config changes, regardless of whether
the change is due to update, reset, or refresh.
:param manager: the config manager in which the changing
config resides
:param new_config: the config after any changes
:param updates: the updates which were made to the config
:param section_path_str: the section path string which can
be used to look up the config
:return: None
Only called if the action actually modified the config