Source code for pyfileconf.main

import ast
import itertools
import sys
import os
import traceback
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import partial

import bdb
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Union, List, Callable, Tuple, Optional, Any, Sequence, Type, cast, Dict, Set, \
    Iterator, Iterable

from pyfileconf.basemodels.registrar import Registrar
from pyfileconf.batch import BatchUpdater
from import convert_to_empty_obj_if_necessary
from import SpecificClassCollection
from import SpecificClassDictConfig
from pyfileconf.debug import pdb_post_mortem_or_passed_debug_fn
from pyfileconf.dictfiles.modify import add_item_into_nested_dict_at_section_path, \
    create_dict_assignment_str_from_nested_dict_with_ast_names, pretty_format_str
from import get_module_and_name_imported_from
from pyfileconf.imports.models.statements.container import ImportStatementContainer
from pyfileconf.imports.models.statements.obj import ObjectImportStatement
from pyfileconf.iterate import IterativeRunner
from pyfileconf.logger.logger import logger
from pyfileconf.logic.combine import \
from pyfileconf.pipelines.models.collection import PipelineCollection
from pyfileconf.pipelines.models.dictconfig import PipelineDictConfig
from pyfileconf.plugin import manager as plugin_manager
from pyfileconf.views.object import ObjectView

    from pyfileconf.runner.models.interfaces import RunnerArgs, StrOrView, IterativeResults, IterativeResult

from pyfileconf.config.models.manager import ConfigManager
from pyfileconf.pipelines.models.registrar import PipelineRegistrar
from pyfileconf.pipelines.models.dictfile import PipelineDictFile
from import SpecificRegistrar
from import SpecificClassDictFile
from pyfileconf.runner.models.runner import Runner, ResultOrResults
from pyfileconf.imports.models.tracker import ImportTracker
from pyfileconf.sectionpath.sectionpath import SectionPath
from pyfileconf.exceptions.pipelinemanager import PipelineManagerNotLoadedException, \
    NoPipelineManagerForFilepathException, NoPipelineManagerForSectionPathException
from pyfileconf.logger.bind_stdout import stdout_also_logged
from pyfileconf.interfaces import SpecificClassConfigDict
from pyfileconf import context
from pyfileconf.opts import options

[docs]class PipelineManager: """ Main class for managing flow-based programming and configuration. """
[docs] def __init__(self, folder: str, name: str= 'project', specific_class_config_dicts: Optional[List[SpecificClassConfigDict]] = None, auto_pdb: Union[bool, Callable] = False, force_continue: bool = False, default_config_folder_name: str = 'defaults'): if specific_class_config_dicts is None: specific_class_config_dicts = [] self.folder = folder self.pipeline_dict_path = os.path.join(folder, '') self.specific_class_config_dicts = specific_class_config_dicts self.specific_class_names = [sc_dict['name'] for sc_dict in specific_class_config_dicts] self.default_config_path = os.path.join(self.folder, default_config_folder_name) = name self.auto_pdb = auto_pdb self.force_continue = force_continue self._registrars: Optional[Sequence[Registrar]] = None self._general_registrar: Optional[PipelineRegistrar] = None self._validate_options() context.active_managers[] = self self._create_project_if_needed()
def __getattr__(self, item): if item == 'runner': # must not be defined yet raise PipelineManagerNotLoadedException('call PipelineManager.load() before accessing ' 'functions and classes') # Must be getting function return getattr(self.runner, item) def __dir__(self): exposed_methods = [ 'run', 'run_product', 'run_product_gen', 'get', 'update', 'load', 'reload', 'refresh', 'reset', ] exposed_attrs = ['name'] + self.specific_class_names exposed = exposed_methods + exposed_attrs if hasattr(self, '_registrars'): skip_methods = [ 'scaffold_config', 'basepath', ] # Add specific registrar class dict names for registrar in self._registrars: if isinstance(registrar, SpecificRegistrar): exposed.append( # Add general names to main namespace register_attrs = [attr for attr in dir(self._general_registrar) if attr not in exposed + skip_methods] exposed += register_attrs return exposed
[docs] def run(self, section_path_str_or_list: 'RunnerArgs') -> ResultOrResults: """ Use to run registered pipelines/functions/sections. Pass a single section path or a list of section paths. If a list is passed, the return value will also be a list, with each result item corresponding to the function at the same index. If a path for a section is passed rather than a path for a function or pipeline, a list of results will be returned for that section as well. Therefore, calling a high-level section will result in a nested list structure of results. Args: section_path_str_or_list: . separated name of path of function or section, or list thereof. similar to how a function would be imported. e.g. '' or when running multiple functions/sections, e.g. ['', 'main.analysis.reg.1'] These sections/functions are based on the structure of your pipeline_dict Returns: result or list of results """ str_or_list_only: Union[str, List[str]] = self._convert_list_or_single_item_view_or_str_to_strs( section_path_str_or_list ) additional_items = plugin_manager.plm.hook.pyfileconf_pre_run( section_path_str_or_list=section_path_str_or_list, pm=self ) # Will be converted into list always str_or_list_only = combine_items_into_list_whether_they_are_lists_or_not_then_extract_from_list_if_only_one_item( str_or_list_only, additional_items ) if options.log_stdout: with stdout_also_logged(): return self._run_depending_on_settings(str_or_list_only) else: return self._run_depending_on_settings(str_or_list_only)
[docs] def run_product(self, section_path_str_or_list: 'RunnerArgs', config_updates: Sequence[Dict[str, Any]], collect_results: bool = True) -> 'IterativeResults': """ Run one or multiple registered functions/sections multiple times, each time updating the config with a combination of the passed config updates. Aggregates the updates to each config, then takes the itertools product of all the config updates to run the functions with each combination of the configs. :param section_path_str_or_list: . separated name of path of function or section, or list thereof. similar to how a function would be imported. e.g. '' or when running multiple functions/sections, e.g. ['', 'main.analysis.reg.1'] :param config_updates: list of kwarg dictionaries which would normally be provided to .update :param collect_results: Whether to aggregate and return results, set to False to save memory if results are stored in some other way :return: """ iterative_runner = IterativeRunner( section_path_str_or_list, config_updates,, strip_manager_from_iv=True, ) return
[docs] def run_product_gen( self, section_path_str_or_list: 'RunnerArgs', config_updates: Sequence[Dict[str, Any]], ) -> Iterator['IterativeResult']: iterative_runner = IterativeRunner( section_path_str_or_list, config_updates,, strip_manager_from_iv=True, ) return iterative_runner.run_gen()
def _run_depending_on_settings(self, section_path_str_or_list: Union[str, List[str]]) -> ResultOrResults: if self.auto_pdb: return self._run_with_auto_pdb(section_path_str_or_list) if self.force_continue: return self._run_with_force_continue(section_path_str_or_list) return def _run_with_auto_pdb(self, section_path_str_or_list: 'RunnerArgs'): pm_func = partial(pdb_post_mortem_or_passed_debug_fn, debug_fn=self.auto_pdb) result, successful = _try_except_run_func_except_user_interrupts(, except_func=pm_func, try_func_kwargs=dict( section_path_str_or_list=section_path_str_or_list ), ) if successful: return result else: return None def _run_with_force_continue(self, section_path_str_or_list: Union[str, List[str]]): if not isinstance(section_path_str_or_list, list): section_path_str_or_list = [section_path_str_or_list] strip_list_at_end = True else: strip_list_at_end = False exceptions: List[RunnerException] = [] results = [] for section_path_str in section_path_str_or_list: result, successful = _try_except_run_func_except_user_interrupts(, except_func=_return_with_traceback, try_func_kwargs=dict( section_path_str_or_list=section_path_str ), print_traceback=False ) if successful: results.append(result) else: exception, tb = result re = RunnerException( exception, section_path_str=section_path_str, trace_back=tb ) exceptions.append(re) logger.error(re) report_runner_exceptions(exceptions) if strip_list_at_end: if len(results) == 0: return [] elif len(results) > 1: raise ValueError('should not have multiple results') return results[0] else: return results # TODO [#13]: multiple section path strs
[docs] def get(self, section_path_str_or_view: 'StrOrView'): section_path_str = self._get_section_path_str_from_section_path_str_or_view(section_path_str_or_view) return self.runner.get(section_path_str)
[docs] def reset(self, section_path_str_or_view: 'StrOrView', allow_create: bool = False): """ Resets a function or section config to default. To reset all configs, use .reload() instead. :param section_path_str_or_view: :return: """'Resetting config for {section_path_str_or_view}') section_path_str = self._get_section_path_str_from_section_path_str_or_view(section_path_str_or_view) self.runner.reset(section_path_str, allow_create=allow_create) logger.debug(f'Finished resetting config for {section_path_str_or_view}')
[docs] def reload(self) -> None: """ Useful for getting file system changes without having to start a new Python session. Also resets any locally defined configuration. Reloads functions from pipeline dict, scaffolds config files for any new functions, and updates configuration from files. Returns: None """'Reloading {}') self._wipe_loaded_modules() self.load() logger.debug(f'Finished reloading {}')
[docs] def load(self) -> None: """ Wrapper to track imported modules so that can reimport them upon reloading """ logger.debug(f'Running load for {}') self._import_tracker = ImportTracker() try: self._load_pipeline_config_and_runner() except Exception as e: # Reset loaded modules from import, completely canceling load so it can be tried again self._loaded_modules = self._import_tracker.imported_modules self._wipe_loaded_modules() self._loaded_modules = [] # modules have been wiped, must be sure they won't be wiped again raise e self._loaded_modules = self._import_tracker.imported_modules logger.debug(f'Finished running load for {}')
[docs] def update(self, d_: dict=None, section_path_str: str=None, pyfileconf_persist: bool = True, **kwargs): """ Update the configuration for an item by section path. The main logic is in _update but this also calls the pyfileconf_pre_update and pyfileconf_post_update hooks :param d_: dictionary of updates :param section_path_str: section path of item to be updated :param pyfileconf_persist: whether to make changes last through refreshing config :param kwargs: kwarg updates :return: """ new_updates_list: List[Dict[str, Any]] = plugin_manager.plm.hook.pyfileconf_pre_update( pm=self, d_=d_, section_path_str=section_path_str, kwargs=kwargs ) new_updates_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {k: v for d in new_updates_list for k, v in d.items()} if new_updates_dict: if d_ is not None: d_.update(new_updates_dict) kwargs.update(new_updates_dict) self._update(d_, section_path_str=section_path_str, pyfileconf_persist=pyfileconf_persist, **kwargs) plugin_manager.plm.hook.pyfileconf_post_update( pm=self, d_=d_, section_path_str=section_path_str, kwargs=kwargs )
[docs] def update_batch(self, updates: Iterable[dict]): """ Update the configuration for an multiple items by section path. The main logic is just calling _update in a loop but this also calls the pyfileconf_pre_update_batch and pyfileconf_post_update_batch hooks :param updates: iterable of dictionaries of config updates :return: None """ updater = BatchUpdater(, strip_manager_from_iv=True, ) updater.update(updates)
def _update(self, d_: dict=None, section_path_str: str=None, pyfileconf_persist: bool = True, **kwargs): """ Update the configuration for an item by section path :param d_: dictionary of updates :param section_path_str: section path of item to be updated :param pyfileconf_persist: whether to make changes last through refreshing config :param kwargs: kwarg updates :return: """ from pyfileconf.selector.models.itemview import is_item_view all_updates = {} if d_ is not None: all_updates.update(d_) all_updates.update(kwargs)'Updating {section_path_str} with config: {all_updates}') if section_path_str: # If any of the updates are putting an ItemView as the value, then # record that this config is dependent on the config referenced # by the ItemView all_updates = {**kwargs} if d_ is not None: all_updates.update(d_) full_sp = SectionPath.join(, section_path_str) for value in all_updates.values(): if is_item_view(value): context.add_config_dependency(full_sp, value) self.runner.update(d_, section_path_str, pyfileconf_persist=pyfileconf_persist, **kwargs) logger.debug(f'Finished updating {section_path_str} with config: {all_updates}')
[docs] def refresh(self, section_path_str: str): """ Reloads from the existing file, then reapplies any config updates. Useful for when this config depends on the attribute of some other config which was updated. :param section_path_str: section path of item to be refreshed :return: """'Refreshing config for {section_path_str}') self.runner.refresh(section_path_str) logger.debug(f'Finished refreshing config for {section_path_str}')
[docs] def create(self, section_path_str: str, func_or_class: Optional[Union[Callable, Type]] = None): """ Create a new configuration entry dynamically rather than manually modifying dict file :param func_or_class: function or class to use to generate config :param section_path_str: section path at which the config should be stored :return: """'Creating config for {section_path_str}') section_path = SectionPath(section_path_str) if section_path[0] in self.specific_class_names: # Got path for a specific class dict, add to specific class dict if len(section_path) < 3: raise ValueError('when targeting a specific class dict, section path must have minimum length of ' '3, e.g. example_class.thing.stuff') if func_or_class is not None: raise ValueError('only pass func_or_class when targeting main pipeline dict, not specific class dict') self._create_specific_class_dict_entry(section_path) full_sp = section_path registrar = self._registrar_dict[section_path[0]] klass = registrar.collection.klass if klass is None: raise ValueError(f'must have specific class set, got None for class in {registrar}') key_attr = registrar.collection.key_attr registrar_obj = convert_to_empty_obj_if_necessary(section_path[-1], klass, key_attr=key_attr) set_section_path_str = SectionPath.from_section_str_list(section_path[1:-1]).path_str scaffold_path_str = SectionPath.from_section_str_list(section_path[1:]).path_str else: # Got path for main pipeline dict, add to main pipeline dict if func_or_class is None: raise ValueError('when adding creating item in main pipeline dict, must pass function or class') self._create_pipeline_dict_entry(section_path, func_or_class) name = func_or_class.__name__ full_sp = SectionPath.join(section_path, name) mod, import_base = get_module_and_name_imported_from(func_or_class) obj_import = ObjectImportStatement([name], import_base) item = ast.Name(id=name) imports = ImportStatementContainer([obj_import]) registrar_obj = ObjectView.from_ast_and_imports(item, imports) if self._general_registrar is None: raise ValueError('general registrar must be defined') registrar = self._general_registrar set_section_path_str = section_path_str scaffold_path_str = full_sp.path_str registrar.set(set_section_path_str, registrar_obj) registrar.scaffold_config_for(scaffold_path_str) self.reset(full_sp.path_str, allow_create=True) logger.debug(f'Finished creating config for {section_path_str}')
[docs] @classmethod def get_manager_by_filepath(cls, filepath: str) -> 'PipelineManager': """ Gets the active pipeline manager which references the passed filepath. :param filepath: :return: :raises NoPipelineManagerForFilepathException: When no active pipeline manager has a config file matching the file path """ abs_filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath) for manager in context.active_managers.values(): manager_path = os.path.abspath(manager.folder) if abs_filepath.startswith(manager_path + os.sep): return manager raise NoPipelineManagerForFilepathException
[docs] @classmethod def get_manager_by_section_path_str(cls, section_path_str: str) -> 'PipelineManager': """ Gets the active pipeline manager which references the passed section path. :param filepath: :return: :raises NoPipelineManagerForSectionPathException: When no active pipeline manager has a config file matching the file path """ section_path = SectionPath(section_path_str) manager_name = section_path[0] try: manager = context.active_managers[manager_name] return manager except KeyError: raise NoPipelineManagerForSectionPathException
def _create_specific_class_dict_entry(self, section_path: SectionPath): name = section_path[0] file_path = os.path.join(self.folder, f'{name}') specific_class_dict_file = SpecificClassDictFile(file_path, name=name + '_dict') specific_dict = specific_class_dict_file.load() # Modify specific class dict to add entry add_item_into_nested_dict_at_section_path( specific_dict, # skip first section as that is name of specific class, skip last section as # that's name which should be created section_path[1:-1], str(section_path[-1]), # last section is name that should be created add_as_ast_name=False ) specific_dict_str = pretty_format_str('class_dict = ' + str(specific_dict)) specific_class_dict_config = SpecificClassDictConfig( dict(class_dict=specific_dict_str), name='specific_class_dict', _file=specific_class_dict_file, ) def _create_pipeline_dict_entry(self, section_path: SectionPath, func_or_class: Union[Callable, Type]): pipeline_dict_file = PipelineDictFile(self.pipeline_dict_path, name='pipeline_dict') pipeline_dict = pipeline_dict_file.load() mod, import_base = get_module_and_name_imported_from(func_or_class) obj_import = ObjectImportStatement([func_or_class.__name__], import_base) imports = ImportStatementContainer([obj_import]) # Modify pipeline dict to add entry add_item_into_nested_dict_at_section_path(pipeline_dict, section_path, func_or_class.__name__) # Convert pipeline dict to string for output pipeline_dict_str = create_dict_assignment_str_from_nested_dict_with_ast_names(pipeline_dict) pipeline_dict_config = PipelineDictConfig( dict(pipeline_dict=pipeline_dict_str), name='pipeline_dict', _file=pipeline_dict_file, imports=imports ) def _load_pipeline_config_and_runner(self) -> None: """ External logic for main initialization Returns: """ # Load dynamically instead of passing dict to ensure modules are loaded into sys now self._registrars, self._general_registrar = create_registrars( self.specific_class_config_dicts, self.default_config_path, self.folder, self.pipeline_dict_path,, ) self.config = ConfigManager(self.default_config_path, self.config.load() self.runner = Runner( config=self.config, registrars=self._registrars, general_registrar=self._general_registrar,, ) def _wipe_loaded_modules(self): [sys.modules.pop(module) for module in self._loaded_modules] def _convert_list_or_single_item_view_or_str_to_strs(self, run_list: 'RunnerArgs') -> Union[str, List[str]]: if isinstance(run_list, list): return [self._get_section_path_str_from_section_path_str_or_view(run_arg) for run_arg in run_list] else: return self._get_section_path_str_from_section_path_str_or_view(run_list) def _get_section_path_str_from_section_path_str_or_view(self,section_path_str_or_view: 'StrOrView') -> str: from pyfileconf.selector.models.itemview import is_item_view if is_item_view(section_path_str_or_view): # ItemView will have as first section, must strip section_path = SectionPath(section_path_str_or_view.section_path_str) # type: ignore relative_section_path = SectionPath.from_section_str_list(section_path[1:]) return relative_section_path.path_str elif isinstance(section_path_str_or_view, str): return section_path_str_or_view else: raise ValueError(f'expected str or ItemView. Got {section_path_str_or_view} of ' f'type {type(section_path_str_or_view)}') def _validate_options(self): if self.auto_pdb and self.force_continue: raise ValueError('cannot force continue and drop into pdb at the same time') if in context.active_managers: warnings.warn(f'should not repeat names of PipelineManagers. Got repeated name {}. ' f'The original PipelineManager has been replaced in the Selector.') def _create_project_if_needed(self): if self._need_to_create_project(): create_project(self.folder, options.log_folder, self.specific_class_config_dicts) def _need_to_create_project(self) -> bool: return any([ not os.path.exists(self.folder), not os.path.exists(self.pipeline_dict_path), not os.path.exists(self.default_config_path), options.log_folder is not None and not os.path.exists(options.log_folder), *[ not os.path.exists(path) for path in [os.path.join(self.folder, f'{name}') for name in self.specific_class_names] ], ]) def __del__(self): try: current_manager_under_this_key = context.active_managers[] except KeyError: # Must have already been deleted from active managers, do nothing return if current_manager_under_this_key is self: del context.active_managers[] @property def _registrar_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Registrar]: if self._general_registrar is None: raise ValueError('general registrar must be defined') rd: Dict[str, Registrar] = {'general': self._general_registrar} if self._registrars is not None: for registrar in self._registrars: rd[] = registrar return rd
def _try_except_run_func_except_user_interrupts(try_func: Callable, except_func: Callable = lambda x: x, exceptions: Sequence[Type[BaseException]] = ( KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit, bdb.BdbQuit ), try_func_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, except_func_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, print_traceback: bool = True) -> Tuple[Any, bool]: """ Args: try_func: except_func: first arg of except_func must accept the exception being raised exceptions: try_func_kwargs: except_func_kwargs: Returns: Tuple where first item is the result and second item is a boolean for whether an exception was raised. In the case of passed exceptions being raised, will quit. In the case of another exception being raised, the result of except_func will be returned as the first item and False will be the second item of the tuple. """ if try_func_kwargs is None: try_func_kwargs = {} try: return try_func(**try_func_kwargs), True except exceptions: # type: ignore quit() except Exception as e: if print_traceback: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) if except_func_kwargs is None: except_result = except_func(e) else: except_result = except_func(e, **except_func_kwargs) return except_result, False def _return_with_traceback(any: Any) -> Tuple[Any, str]: return any, traceback.format_exc()
[docs]class RunnerException(Exception):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, section_path_str: 'StrOrView' = None, trace_back: str = None): self.section_path_str = section_path_str self.trace_back = trace_back if len(args) > 0: self.exc = args[0] else: self.exc = None super().__init__(*args)
def __str__(self): output_str = f'Error while running {self.section_path_str}:\n\n' output_str += self.trace_back return output_str
[docs]def report_runner_exceptions(runner_exceptions: List[RunnerException]) -> None: if len(runner_exceptions) == 0:'\n\nEverything ran successfully, no exceptions to report.\n\n') return sp_strs = ', '.join([str(exc.section_path_str) for exc in runner_exceptions]) full_exc_str = f'Exception summary for running {sp_strs} (exceptions were also shown when raised):\n' full_exc_str += '\n\n'.join([str(exc) for exc in runner_exceptions]) logger.error(full_exc_str)
[docs]def create_project(path: str, logs_path: str, specific_class_config_dicts: Optional[List[Dict[str, Union[str, Type, List[str]]]]] = None): """ Creates a new pyfileconf project file structure """ defaults_path = os.path.join(path, 'defaults') pipeline_path = os.path.join(path, '') if not os.path.exists(defaults_path): os.makedirs(defaults_path) if logs_path is not None and not os.path.exists(logs_path): os.makedirs(logs_path) if not os.path.exists(pipeline_path): with open(pipeline_path, 'w') as f: f.write('\npipeline_dict = {}\n') if specific_class_config_dicts: for specific_class_config in specific_class_config_dicts: name = specific_class_config['name'] dict_path = os.path.join(path, f'{name}') if not os.path.exists(dict_path): with open(dict_path, 'w') as f: f.write(f'\nclass_dict = {{}}\n')
def _validate_registrars(registrars: List[SpecificRegistrar], general_registrar: PipelineRegistrar): used_names = dir(general_registrar) for registrar in registrars: if in used_names: raise ValueError(f'cannot use a name for a specific class dict which is already specified in ' f'top-level pipeline_dict. The issue is with {}.') all_registrar_names = [ for registrar in registrars] if len(set(all_registrar_names)) != len(all_registrar_names): raise ValueError(f'cannot have multiple specific class dicts with the same ' f'name attribute. Got names: {all_registrar_names}')
[docs]def create_registrars(specific_class_config_dicts: List[SpecificClassConfigDict], basepath: str, pipeline_folder: str, pipeline_dict_path: str, manager_name: Optional[str] = None ) -> Tuple[List[SpecificRegistrar], PipelineRegistrar]: registrars, general_registrar = _create_registrars_or_collections_from_dict( specific_class_config_dicts, basepath, pipeline_folder, pipeline_dict_path, registrar=True, manager_name=manager_name, ) registrars = cast(List[SpecificRegistrar], registrars) general_registrar = cast(PipelineRegistrar, general_registrar) _validate_registrars(registrars, general_registrar) for registrar in registrars: registrar.scaffold_config() general_registrar.scaffold_config() return registrars, general_registrar
[docs]def create_collections(specific_class_config_dicts: List[SpecificClassConfigDict], basepath: str, pipeline_folder: str, pipeline_dict_path: str, manager_name: Optional[str] = None ) -> Tuple[List[SpecificClassCollection], PipelineCollection]: collections, general_collection = _create_registrars_or_collections_from_dict( specific_class_config_dicts, basepath, pipeline_folder, pipeline_dict_path, registrar=False, manager_name=manager_name, ) collections = cast(List[SpecificClassCollection], collections) general_collection = cast(SpecificRegistrar, general_collection) return collections, general_collection
def _create_registrars_or_collections_from_dict( specific_class_config_dicts: List[SpecificClassConfigDict], basepath: str, pipeline_folder: str, pipeline_dict_path: str, registrar: bool = True, manager_name: Optional[str] = None ) -> Tuple[ Union[List[SpecificRegistrar], List[SpecificClassCollection]], Union[PipelineRegistrar, PipelineCollection] ]: pipeline_class: Union[Type[PipelineRegistrar], Type[PipelineCollection]] specific_class_class: Union[Type[SpecificRegistrar], Type[SpecificClassCollection]] if registrar: pipeline_class = PipelineRegistrar specific_class_class = SpecificRegistrar else: pipeline_class = PipelineCollection specific_class_class = SpecificClassCollection # Load dynamically instead of passing dict to ensure modules are loaded into sys now pipeline_dict_file = PipelineDictFile(pipeline_dict_path, name='pipeline_dict') pipeline_dict = pipeline_dict_file.load() objs: Union[List[SpecificRegistrar], List[SpecificClassCollection]] = [] for specific_class_config_dict in specific_class_config_dicts: # Set defaults then update with actual config config_dict: Dict[str, Optional[Union[str, Type, List[str]]]] = dict( always_assign_strs=None, always_import_strs=None, ) config_dict.update(specific_class_config_dict) # type: ignore for key in ('name', 'class'): if key not in config_dict or config_dict[key] is None: raise ValueError(f'{key} is required in {config_dict}') # Kwargs require 'klass' while config dict is 'class' kwargs_dict = deepcopy(config_dict) kwargs_dict['klass'] = config_dict['class'] kwargs_dict.pop('class') name = cast(str, config_dict['name']) file_path = os.path.join(pipeline_folder, f'{name}') specific_class_dict_file = SpecificClassDictFile(file_path, name=name + '_dict') specific_dict = specific_class_dict_file.load() obj = specific_class_class.from_dict( specific_dict, basepath=os.path.join(basepath, name), imports=specific_class_dict_file.interface.imports, **kwargs_dict # type: ignore ) objs.append(obj) general_obj = pipeline_class.from_dict( pipeline_dict, basepath=basepath, name=manager_name, imports=pipeline_dict_file.interface.imports ) return objs, general_obj