Source code for

import ast
from typing import List, Union

FunctionDefOrNone = Union[ast.FunctionDef, None]
FunctionDefs = List[ast.FunctionDef]

[docs]class FunctionDefinitionExtractor(ast.NodeVisitor):
[docs] def __init__(self): self.defs = []
[docs] def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): self.defs.append(node)
# don't go into children, so won't extract nested functions
[docs] def visit_ClassDef(self, node): pass
# don't go into children, so won't extract class methods
[docs]def extract_function_definitions_from_ast(module: ast.AST) -> FunctionDefs: fe = FunctionDefinitionExtractor() fe.visit(module) return fe.defs
[docs]class FunctionDefinitionByNameExtractor(FunctionDefinitionExtractor):
[docs] def __init__(self, func_name: str): self.func_name = func_name super().__init__()
[docs] def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): if == self.func_name: super().visit_FunctionDef(node)
[docs]def extract_function_definitions_from_ast_by_name(module: ast.AST, name: str) -> FunctionDefs: fe = FunctionDefinitionByNameExtractor(name) fe.visit(module) return fe.defs
[docs]def extract_function_definition_from_ast_by_name(module: ast.AST, name: str) -> FunctionDefOrNone: defs = extract_function_definitions_from_ast_by_name(module, name) if len(defs) == 0: return None if len(defs) > 1: raise ValueError(f'found more than one function definition with the name {name} in module {module}') return defs[0]
[docs]class FunctionDefinitionOrClassInitByNameExtractor(FunctionDefinitionByNameExtractor):
[docs] def visit_ClassDef(self, node): if == self.func_name: # Found a class definition matching the name we're looking for # Now look for the init method of that class # TODO [#11]: deal with subclassing where __init__ will not be in class definition orig_name = self.func_name self.func_name = '__init__' self.generic_visit(node) self.func_name = orig_name
# Set back to looking for original name. Don't want to pull other inits
[docs]def extract_function_definitions_or_class_inits_from_ast_by_name(module: ast.AST, name: str) -> FunctionDefs: fe = FunctionDefinitionOrClassInitByNameExtractor(name) fe.visit(module) return fe.defs
[docs]def extract_function_definition_or_class_init_from_ast_by_name(module: ast.AST, name: str) -> FunctionDefOrNone: defs = extract_function_definitions_or_class_inits_from_ast_by_name(module, name) if len(defs) == 0: return None if len(defs) > 1: raise ValueError(f'found more than one function definition with the name {name} in module {module}') return defs[0]