Source code for

from typing import Union, List, cast
import ast

AstDictOrList = Union[ast.Dict, ast.List]
DictOrList = Union[dict, list]
DictOrListOrNone = Union[DictOrList, None]

[docs]class AstDictListConverter(ast.NodeVisitor):
[docs] def __init__(self, convert_str_values: bool = False): self.collections: List[DictOrList] = [] self.convert_str_values = convert_str_values
[docs] def visit_Dict(self, node): self.collections.append( _ast_dict_to_dict(node, convert_str_values=self.convert_str_values) )
# nested nodes being handled in function above
[docs] def visit_List(self, node): self.collections.append( _ast_list_to_list(node, convert_str_values=self.convert_str_values) )
# nested nodes being handled in function above
[docs]def extract_collections_from_ast(ast_node: ast.AST, convert_str_values: bool = False) -> List[DictOrList]: """ returns a list of dicts or lists. Goes through ast, converting ast.Dict to dict and ast.List to list, leaving the rest intact. Returns a list of these created dicts and lists Args: ast_node: Returns: """ adlc = AstDictListConverter(convert_str_values=convert_str_values) adlc.visit(ast_node) return adlc.collections
[docs]def extract_collection_from_ast(ast_node: ast.AST, convert_str_values: bool = False) -> DictOrListOrNone: collections = extract_collections_from_ast(ast_node=ast_node, convert_str_values=convert_str_values) if len(collections) == 0: return None if len(collections) > 1: raise ValueError(f'expected to extract one assignment from ast. got {len(collections)} ' f'assigns: {collections}') return collections[0]
def _ast_dict_or_list_to_dict_or_list(node: AstDictOrList, convert_str_values: bool = False) -> DictOrList: if isinstance(node, ast.Dict): return _ast_dict_to_dict(node, convert_str_values=convert_str_values) elif isinstance(node, ast.List): return _ast_list_to_list(node, convert_str_values=convert_str_values) else: raise ValueError(f'expected ast.Dict or ast.List. Got {node} of type {type(node)}') def _ast_dict_to_dict(ast_dict: ast.Dict, convert_str_values: bool = False) -> dict: out_dict = {} for key, value in zip(ast_dict.keys, ast_dict.values): key = cast(ast.Str, key) key_string = key.s if isinstance(value, (ast.Dict, ast.List)): store_value = _ast_dict_or_list_to_dict_or_list(value, convert_str_values=convert_str_values) else: store_value = _convert_to_str_if_ast_str_and_desired(value, convert_desired=convert_str_values) out_dict[key_string] = store_value return out_dict def _ast_list_to_list(ast_list: ast.List, convert_str_values: bool = False) -> list: out_list = [] for item in ast_list.elts: if isinstance(item, (ast.Dict, ast.List)): store_item = _ast_dict_or_list_to_dict_or_list(item, convert_str_values=convert_str_values) else: store_item = _convert_to_str_if_ast_str_and_desired(item, convert_desired=convert_str_values) out_list.append(store_item) return out_list def _convert_to_str_if_ast_str_and_desired(ast_node: ast.AST, convert_desired=False): if not convert_desired: return ast_node if isinstance(ast_node, ast.Str): return ast_node.s return ast_node