pyexlatex.table.models.panels package


pyexlatex.table.models.panels.collection module

class pyexlatex.table.models.panels.collection.PanelCollection(panels, label_consolidation='object', enforce_label_order=True, top_left_corner_labels=None, pad_rows=1, pad_columns=1, name=None)[source]

Bases: mixins.repr.ReprMixin

Lays panel contents in a grid, consolidates labels, creates padding between tables

__init__(panels, label_consolidation='object', enforce_label_order=True, top_left_corner_labels=None, pad_rows=1, pad_columns=1, name=None)[source]
  • panels (List[Panel]) – list of Panels, which represent a full set of rows of the table. for multiple sections in one set of rows, create DataTables for each section and pass to Panels.

  • label_consolidation (str) – pass ‘object’ to compare object equality for label consolidation, ‘str’ for converting all labels to strings then comparing equality. Use ‘object’ for more control over consolidation.

  • enforce_label_order – pass False to allow consolidating lower labels even if upper labels do not match. e.g. if labels on one table are [[‘Top1’], [‘Bot1’, ‘Bot2’]], then labels on the other table are [[‘Top2’], [‘Bot1’, ‘Bot2’]], consolidated labels when passing False will be [‘Bot1’, ‘Bot2’], while when passing True, no labels will be consolidated. Under True, will start from the top label, then stop consolidating once it has a mismatch.

  • top_left_corner_labels (Union[LabelTable, LabelCollection, List[AnyStr], AnyStr, None]) – additional labels to place in the top left corner. pass a single string or a list of strings for convenience. a list of strings will be create labels which span the gap horizontally and go downwards, one label per row. pass LabelCollection or LabelTable for more control.

  • pad_rows (int) – horizontal spacing to put between panels

  • pad_columns (int) – vertical spacing to put between TableSections

  • name (Optional[str]) – name that will be used to construct caption in output

classmethod from_list_of_lists_of_dfs(df_list_of_lists, panel_names=None, *args, panel_kwargs={}, data_table_kwargs={}, **kwargs)[source]

To create a single panel table, pass a single list within a list of DataFrames, e.g. [[df1, df2]] then shape will specify how the DataFrames will be organized in the Panel. If you pass two lists within the outer list, then shape will apply to each Panel. So [[df1, df2], [df3, df4]] with shape=(1,2) create a two Panel table with two tables placed within each panel going horizontally, so that the overall shape is (2,2).

Note: convenience method for if not much control over table is needed. To apply different options to each panel, construct them individually using Panel.from_df_list

  • df_list_of_lists (List[List[DataFrame]]) –

  • panel_names (Optional[List[str]]) – list of panel names. Must be of same length as outer list in df_list_of_lists

  • args – args to pass to PanelCollection constructor

  • panel_kwargs – Panel.from_df_list kwargs. Same kwargs will be passed to all panels

  • kwargs – kwargs to pass to PanelCollection constructor

  • data_table_kwargs – kwargs to be passed to DataTable.from_df. Same kwargs will be passed to all data tables.



property grid

First panel is headers. Then each original panel

self.grid includes all panels as well as labels. Need to separate back out to get each panel


add_panel_order_label (bool) – Whether to add to names of panels Panel A:, Panel B:,

and so on


Return type

property num_columns: int
Return type


repr_cols: List[str] = ['name', 'panels']
property rows

pyexlatex.table.models.panels.grid module

class pyexlatex.table.models.panels.grid.GridShape(input_array, info=None)[source]

Bases: numpy.ndarray

property cell_width: int
Return type


property cell_widths: List[int]
Return type


property data_has_row_labels: bool
Return type


class pyexlatex.table.models.panels.grid.PanelGrid(sections: List[pyexlatex.table.models.table.section.TableSection], shape: Optional[tuple] = None)[source]

Bases: mixins.repr.ReprMixin

repr_cols: List[str] = ['sections', 'shape']
pyexlatex.table.models.panels.grid.index_array(sections, shape=None)[source]

pyexlatex.table.models.panels.panel module

class pyexlatex.table.models.panels.panel.Panel(panel_grid, name=None)[source]

Bases: mixins.repr.ReprMixin

Represents one section of a table. May have multiple DataTables within one panel.

__init__(panel_grid, name=None)[source]
classmethod from_data_tables(data_table_list, shape=None, name=None)[source]
  • data_table_list (List[DataTable]) – list of pyexlatex.table.DataTable

  • shape (Optional[tuple]) – tuple of (rows, columns) to arrange DataTables. They will be placed from left to right, then from top to bottom. passsing None defaults one column, as many rows as DataTables

  • name (Optional[str]) – name to be displayed with panel


classmethod from_df(df, include_columns=True, include_index=False, name=None)[source]
classmethod from_df_list(df_list, shape=None, name=None, include_columns=True, include_index=False, data_table_kwargs={})[source]
  • df_list (List[DataFrame]) – list of pandas DataFrame

  • shape (Optional[tuple]) – tuple of (rows, columns) to arrange DataFrames. They will be placed from left to right, then from top to bottom. passsing None defaults one column, as many rows as DataFrames

  • name (Optional[str]) – name to be displayed with panel

  • include_columns

  • include_index

  • data_table_kwargs – kwargs to be passed to DataTable.from_df. Same kwargs will be passed to all data tables.


property is_spacer
property num_columns
repr_cols: List[str] = ['name', 'panel_grid']
property rows