from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Union, AnyStr, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from mixins.repr import ReprMixin
from pyexlatex.table.logic.panels.combine import (
from pyexlatex.table.logic.panels.letters import panel_string
from pyexlatex.table.logic.panels.topleft import _set_top_left_corner_labels
from pyexlatex.table.models.labels.table import LabelTable, LabelCollection
from pyexlatex.table.models.panels.panel import Panel
from pyexlatex.table.models.panels.panel import PanelGrid, GridShape
from pyexlatex.table.models.spacing.columntable import ColumnPadTable
from pyexlatex.table.models.spacing.rowtable import RowPadTable
from pyexlatex.table.models.table.section import TableSection
from import DataTable
[docs]class PanelCollection(ReprMixin):
Lays panel contents in a grid, consolidates labels, creates padding between tables
repr_cols = ['name', 'panels']
_num_columns: int
[docs] def __init__(self, panels: List[Panel], label_consolidation: str='object', enforce_label_order=True,
top_left_corner_labels: Union[LabelTable, LabelCollection, List[AnyStr], AnyStr]=None,
pad_rows: int=1, pad_columns: int=1, name: str=None):
:param panels: list of Panels, which represent a full set of rows of the table. for multiple
sections in one set of rows, create DataTables for each section and pass to Panels.
:param label_consolidation: pass 'object' to compare object equality for label consolidation, 'str'
for converting all labels to strings then comparing equality. Use 'object'
for more control over consolidation.
:param enforce_label_order: pass False to allow consolidating lower labels even if upper labels do not match.
e.g. if labels on one table are [['Top1'], ['Bot1', 'Bot2']], then labels on the other
table are [['Top2'], ['Bot1', 'Bot2']], consolidated labels when passing False will be
['Bot1', 'Bot2'], while when passing True, no labels will be consolidated. Under True,
will start from the top label, then stop consolidating once it has a mismatch.
:param top_left_corner_labels: additional labels to place in the top left corner. pass a single string
or a list of strings for convenience. a list of strings will be create labels
which span the gap horizontally and go downwards, one label per row. pass
LabelCollection or LabelTable for more control.
:param pad_rows: horizontal spacing to put between panels
:param pad_columns: vertical spacing to put between TableSections
:param name: name that will be used to construct caption in output
""" = name
self.panels = panels
self.label_consolidation = label_consolidation.lower().strip() \
if isinstance(label_consolidation, str) else label_consolidation
self.enforce_label_order = enforce_label_order
self.top_left_corner_labels = _set_top_left_corner_labels(top_left_corner_labels)
self.pad_rows = pad_rows
self.pad_columns = pad_columns
self.has_row_labels = False
self.has_column_labels = False
[docs] def iterpanels(self, add_panel_order_label: bool = True):
First panel is headers. Then each original panel
self.grid includes all panels as well as labels. Need to separate back out to
get each panel
:param add_panel_order_label: Whether to add to names of panels Panel A:, Panel B:,
and so on
# Get lengths of panels
if len(self.panels) > 1:
# Include spacing which is added in pad_grid
panel_lengths = [panel.panel_grid.shape[0] * 2 - 1 for panel in self.panels]
panel_lengths = [self.panels[0].panel_grid.shape[0]]
if self.has_column_labels:
# First panel will have an additional row at the top if there are column labels
panel_lengths[0] += 1
total_row_idx = 0
for panel_idx, panel_length in enumerate(panel_lengths):
for row_idx in range(panel_length):
row = self.rows[total_row_idx]
# if first part of actual panel, below labels, and panel has a name
if (
# If it's the first panel, and there's column labels, then second row should show name
self.has_column_labels and panel_idx == 0 and row_idx == 1 or
# If it's a later panel, or there's no column labels, first row should show name
(not self.has_column_labels or panel_idx > 0) and row_idx == 0
) and
# Has to have name to show name
self.panels[panel_idx].name is not None
# output with the name
if add_panel_order_label:
full_name = panel_string(panel_idx) + self.panels[panel_idx].name
full_name = self.panels[panel_idx].name
yield Panel(PanelGrid([row]), name=full_name)
# column labels panel, no matching name. Or no name for user supplied panel
yield Panel(PanelGrid([row]))
total_row_idx += 1
# If we are in-between panels, not on the last panel
if panel_idx + 1 != len(self.panels) and self.pad_rows > 0:
for _ in range(self.pad_rows):
# In between panels, there are also spacers, yield those
row = self.rows[total_row_idx]
yield Panel(PanelGrid([row]))
total_row_idx += 1
def rows(self):
return self._rows
except AttributeError:
self._rows = self._create_panel_rows()
return self._rows
def num_columns(self) -> int:
return self._num_columns
except AttributeError:
self._num_columns = max([row.num_columns for row in self.rows])
return self._num_columns
def _create_panel_rows(self):
rows, self._num_columns = _create_panel_rows_from_grid(self.grid)
return rows
def grid(self):
return self._grid
except AttributeError:
# Copy to avoid modifying original contents
self._grid = deepcopy(_concatenate_uneven_rows_filling_right(
[panel.panel_grid for panel in self.panels],
return self._grid
[docs] def consolidate_labels(self):
# TODO [#46]: reduce complexity and improve testing of label consolidation
# This code has grown quite a bit to handle all the cases, and it
# still has not been thoroughly tested for every case. Need to expand
# the testing to cover all the cases and then try to simplify the code
if self.label_consolidation is None:
if self.label_consolidation == 'object':
use_object_equality = True
elif self.label_consolidation in ('string', 'str', True):
use_object_equality = False
raise ValueError(f'must pass object, string, or None to label consolidation. Got {self.label_consolidation}')
column_labels: [LabelTable] = common_column_labels(
# Column labels may be modified to add top left corner label, but need to
# track original so it can be removed from existing panels
orig_column_labels = deepcopy(column_labels)
row_labels: [LabelTable] = common_row_labels(
# Remove from the original tables the labels that were just consolidated
removed_indices = remove_label_collections_from_grid(
# When there are multiple sub-tables horizontally and
# they have had their row labels consolidated, need
# to remove any blank column labels which were there
# for the row labels
for loc in removed_indices['rows']:
if loc[1] == 0:
# First column, don't need to remove label
section: DataTable = self.grid[loc]
if section.column_labels is not None and section.column_labels.begins_with(' '):
# Middle sub-table which had spacer for row labels
# but now does not need it
if column_labels is not None:
if row_labels is None and not self.top_left_corner_labels.is_spacer:
# If there are column labels but not row labels, still need to deal with top left label.
# Adding the top left label is handled in the if row_labels is not None block, but it will
# not be reached as row_labels is None. Therefore create a blank label table for each grid row
# except for the column labels. The top left label to go with the column row will be added
# in the following block.
# Grid shape -1 to exclude just added column labels
row_labels: List[LabelTable] = []
for grid_row in self.grid:
left_value: TableSection = grid_row[0]
if left_value in column_labels:
# top left corner label, handled separately in row labels section
section_height = len(left_value.rows)
if isinstance(left_value, DataTable):
if left_value.column_labels in column_labels:
# Adjust for when the column labels have been consolidated into the overall column labels,
# then don't need to add row label as this column label won't be in the output
section_height -= 1
label_lol = [['']] * section_height
column_labels_created = False
if row_labels is not None:
if column_labels is not None:
column_labels_created = True
# After adding column labels, there is an additional row at the top of the grid
# Therefore we will need one additional LabelTable for the first row, which is the row of column labels
# If top_left_corner_labels was passed on object creation, use that as LabelTable. Otherwise use a blank one
if self.has_column_labels:
# Determine whether to use panel collection TL labels or whether
# they are already in existing label table from data table
num_labels = sum(label.cell_width for label in column_labels)
# Form a temporary grid skipping the header to determine the number of columns
temp_grid, _ = _add_row_labels_to_grid(self.grid[1:,:], row_labels)
temp_rows, num_columns = _create_panel_rows_from_grid(temp_grid)
self._num_columns = num_columns
tl_corner_label = self.top_left_corner_labels
if num_labels >= num_columns:
# Must already be top left corner label included in table, because
# there are already enough values. Split this off the column label,
# as instead the top row label will be used
for col_label in column_labels:
# TODO [#70]: better label consolidation for multiple sub-tables horizontally
# In this situation, it is not clear from which sub-tables the indices
# were consolidated. Right now, removing column headers as if there
# was full label consolidation (same index on every table).
# Need to start tracking for which sub-tables were the indices removed.
first_col_label = col_label.split_bottom_left()
if self.top_left_corner_labels.is_spacer:
# If we don't have any top left corner labels at the collection
# level, then use the first column label
tl_corner_label = first_col_label
all_row_labels = [tl_corner_label] + row_labels
all_row_labels = row_labels
elif column_labels is not None:
# There are no common row labels, but if there are any row labels which are not being consolidated,
# still need to add the top left corner
# First detect the existence of any row labels
any_row_labels = False
for grid_row in self.grid:
left_value: TableSection = grid_row[0]
if isinstance(left_value, DataTable) and left_value.has_row_labels:
any_row_labels = True
if any_row_labels:
# Now add the top left corner
column_labels[0] = self.top_left_corner_labels + column_labels[0]
if column_labels is not None and not column_labels_created:
[docs] def pad_grid(self):
row_pad = RowPadTable()
grid_rows: [GridShape] = []
for n_row, grid_row in enumerate(self.grid):
# Add first elem
new_row = np.array([grid_row[0]]).view(GridShape).reshape(1,1)
# Add following elems
for n_elem, elem in enumerate(grid_row[1:]):
# Add pads between following elems
if self.pad_columns and not (n_elem == 0 and self.has_row_labels): # only skip first if there are row labels
new_row = np.append(new_row, np.array([ColumnPadTable(self.pad_columns)])).view(GridShape)
new_row = np.append(new_row, elem).view(GridShape)
new_row = new_row.reshape((1, new_row.shape[0])) # reorganize into row
# add row padding on every loop except last
if n_row != self.grid.shape[0] - 1:
# no need to add padding after column labels
if n_row == 0 and self.has_column_labels:
for i in range(self.pad_rows):
# Before combining rows, must have same number of elements. Pad right with empty label tables
num_grid_columns = max(row.shape[1] for row in grid_rows) # find max number of columns
out_grid_rows = []
for row in grid_rows:
pad_number = num_grid_columns - row.shape[1]
assert pad_number >= 0
new_row = np.append(row, np.array([row_pad] * pad_number)).view(GridShape)
new_row = new_row.reshape((1, new_row.shape[0])) # reorganize into row
new_grid = np.concatenate(out_grid_rows).view(GridShape)
self._grid = new_grid
self._rows = self._create_panel_rows() # need to recreate rows with new grid
def _add_column_labels(self, column_labels: List[LabelTable]):
assert len(column_labels) == self.grid.shape[1]
if all(table.is_empty for table in column_labels):
# if no consolidated labels, no need to add
self.has_column_labels = False
self.has_column_labels = True
# Form PanelGrid from labels
column_label_grid = PanelGrid(column_labels, shape=(1,len(column_labels)))
# Combine label PanelGrid and existing PanelGrid
self._grid = np.concatenate([column_label_grid, self._grid]).view(GridShape)
def _add_row_labels(self, row_labels: List[LabelTable]):
self._grid, self.has_row_labels = _add_row_labels_to_grid(self._grid, row_labels)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_list_of_lists_of_dfs(cls, df_list_of_lists: List[List[pd.DataFrame]],
panel_names: List[str] = None, *args,
data_table_kwargs={}, **kwargs):
To create a single panel table, pass a single list within
a list of DataFrames, e.g. [[df1, df2]] then shape will specify how the DataFrames will
be organized in the Panel. If you pass two lists within the outer list, then shape will
apply to each Panel. So [[df1, df2], [df3, df4]] with shape=(1,2) create a two Panel table
with two tables placed within each panel going horizontally, so that the overall shape is (2,2).
Note: convenience method for if not much control over table is needed.
To apply different options to each panel, construct them individually using
:param df_list_of_lists:
:param panel_names: list of panel names. Must be of same length as outer list in df_list_of_lists
:param args: args to pass to PanelCollection constructor
:param panel_kwargs: Panel.from_df_list kwargs. Same kwargs will be passed to all panels
:param kwargs: kwargs to pass to PanelCollection constructor
:param data_table_kwargs: kwargs to be passed to DataTable.from_df. Same kwargs will be passed to
all data tables.
:return: PanelCollection
_validate_panel_names(panel_names, df_list_of_lists)
panels = []
for i, df_list in enumerate(df_list_of_lists):
panel_name = _panel_name_or_none(panel_names, i)
label_consolidation = kwargs.pop('label_consolidation', 'string')
return cls(
[docs] def to_tex(self, mid_rule=True):
from import build_tabular_content_from_panel_collection
return build_tabular_content_from_panel_collection(self, mid_rule=mid_rule)
def _panel_name_or_none(panel_names: Optional[List[str]], index: int):
if panel_names is not None:
return panel_names[index]
return None
def _validate_panel_names(panel_names: Optional[List[str]], df_list_of_lists: List[List[pd.DataFrame]]):
if panel_names is None:
num_panel_names = len(panel_names)
num_panels = len(df_list_of_lists)
if num_panel_names != num_panels:
raise ValueError(f'must pass as many panel names as panels. Got {num_panel_names} names '
f'and {num_panels} panels.')
def _concatenate_uneven_rows_filling_right(rows, fill_value=np.nan, array_class=None):
Concatenates along vertical axis, filling right as needed.
a = np.array(
[[1, 2, 3]]
b = np.array(
[[4, 5]]
_concatenate_uneven_rows_filling_right([a, b])
array([[ 1., 2., 3.],
[ 4., 5., nan]])
max_len = max([row.shape[1] for row in rows])
concat_rows = []
for row in rows:
num_to_add = max_len - row.shape[1]
if num_to_add > 0:
add_array = np.array([[fill_value] * num_to_add])
concat_array = np.concatenate([row, add_array], axis=1)
concat_array = row
out_arr = np.concatenate(concat_rows)
if array_class:
out_arr = out_arr.view(array_class)
return out_arr
def _add_row_labels_to_grid(grid: GridShape, row_labels: List[LabelTable]) -> Tuple[GridShape, bool]:
assert len(row_labels) == grid.shape[0]
if all(table.is_empty for table in row_labels):
# if no consolidated labels, no need to add
return grid, False
# Form PanelGrid from labels
row_label_grid = PanelGrid(row_labels, shape=(len(row_labels), 1))
# Combine label PanelGrid and existing PanelGrid
new_grid = np.concatenate([row_label_grid, grid], axis=1).view(GridShape)
return new_grid, True
def _create_panel_rows_from_grid(grid: GridShape) -> Tuple[List[TableSection], int]:
rows: List[TableSection] = []
for panel_row in grid:
new_row = None
for i, section in enumerate(panel_row):
if i == 0:
new_row = section
new_row = new_row + section
if new_row:
num_columns = max([row.num_columns for row in rows])
# Now pad rows
rows = deepcopy(rows) # avoid modifying inplace
for row in rows:
row.pad(num_columns, direction='right')
return rows, num_columns