Source code for treecomp.cli

from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional

import typer

from treecomp import diff_file_trees

cli = typer.Typer()

[docs]class OutputFormat(str, Enum): JSON = "json" TEXT = "text"
@cli.command() def cli_diff_file_trees( dir1: Path = typer.Argument(..., help="Path to the first directory to compare."), dir2: Path = typer.Argument(..., help="Path to the second directory to compare."), ignore: Optional[str] = typer.Option( None, "-i", "--ignore", help="Comma-separated paths to ignore. .gitignore-style syntax is supported.", ), target: Optional[str] = typer.Option( None, "-t", "--target", help="Comma-separated paths to target. .gitignore-style syntax is supported.", ), output_format: OutputFormat = typer.Option( OutputFormat.TEXT, "-f", "--format", help="Output format.", show_choices=True, ), ): """ Compare two directories and print a unified diff """ comparison = diff_file_trees( dir1, dir2, ignore=ignore.split(",") if ignore else None, target=target.split(",") if target else None, ) if output_format == OutputFormat.JSON: print(comparison.json()) else: print(comparison) if __name__ == "__main__": cli()