Source code for regtools.summarize

from typing import Sequence, Optional

from regtools.ext_statsmodels import summary_col
import pandas as pd

from regtools.fe.output import add_fixed_effects_rows
from import extract_all_dummy_cols_from_dummy_cols_dict_list, \
from regtools.controls import suppress_controls_in_summary_df
from regtools.cluster.output import add_cluster_rows
from regtools.summarize.split import get_var_df_and_non_var_df
from regtools.summarize.yesno import col_boolean_dict_from_list_of_lists_of_columns
from regtools.summarize.tstat import replace_stderr_with_t_stat_in_summary_df

[docs]def produce_summary(reg_list, stderr: bool = False, t_stats: bool = False, float_format: str = '%0.1f', regressor_order: Sequence[str] = tuple(), suppress_other_regressors: bool = False, model_names: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None): """ Produce a summary from a list of regression results :param reg_list: list of statsmodels regression results :param stderr: set to True to keep rows for standard errors below coefficient estimates :param t_stats: set to True to keep rows for standard errors below coefficient estimates and convert them to t-stats :param float_format: format string for how to format results in summary :param regressor_order: sequence of column names to put first in the regression results :param suppress_other_regressors: True for when using regressor_order to suppress coefficients that are not in regressor_order into "Controls: Yes". False to keep coefficients :param model_names: If a collection is passed, will be used as column names in summary table. :return: a regression summary :rtype: """ if isinstance(regressor_order, tuple): regressor_order = list(regressor_order) _check_produce_summary_inputs( regressor_order, suppress_other_regressors, model_names, len(reg_list), stderr, t_stats ) info_dict = {'N': lambda x: "{0:d}".format(int(x.nobs))} # Grab proper r-squared. For OLS, it's adjusted r-squared, for probit and logit, it's Pseudo r-squared if _result_has_adjusted_r2(reg_list[0]): info_dict.update({ 'Adj-R2': lambda x: "{:.2f}".format(x.rsquared_adj) }) elif _result_has_pseudo_r2(reg_list[0]): info_dict.update({ 'Pseudo-R2': lambda x: "{:.2f}".format(x.prsquared) }) summ = summary_col(reg_list, stars=True, float_format=float_format, regressor_order=regressor_order, info_dict=info_dict) split_rows = [var for var in info_dict] # Convert stderrs to t-stats if necessary if t_stats: summ.tables[0] = replace_stderr_with_t_stat_in_summary_df(summ.tables[0], split_rows, reg_list) # Handle fe - remove individual fe cols and replace with e.g. Industry Fixed Effects No, Yes, Yes dummy_col_dicts = [result.dummy_cols_dict for result in reg_list] if any([dummy_col_dict is not None for dummy_col_dict in dummy_col_dicts]): #if fixed effects _remove_fe_cols_replace_with_fixed_effect_yes_no_lines(summ, dummy_col_dicts, split_rows) # Handle dropping of unimportant coefficients and replacing with Controls: Yes or No if suppress_other_regressors: summ.tables[0] = suppress_controls_in_summary_df(summ.tables[0], regressor_order, dummy_col_dicts, info_dict) # Add Yes and No for each cluster variable _add_cluster_yes_no_lines(summ, reg_list, split_rows) if not stderr and not t_stats: summ.tables[0].drop('', axis=0, inplace=True) # drops the rows containing standard errors # Change const to Intercept in output summ.tables[0].index = [col if col != 'const' else 'Intercept' for col in summ.tables[0].index] if model_names: summ.tables[0].columns = model_names return summ
def _add_cluster_yes_no_lines(summ, reg_list, split_rows): cluster_list_of_lists = _get_cluster_list_of_lists(reg_list) if not any([cluster is not None for cluster in cluster_list_of_lists]): return cluster_col_boolean_dict = col_boolean_dict_from_list_of_lists_of_columns(cluster_list_of_lists) var_df, split_df = get_var_df_and_non_var_df(summ.tables[0], split_rows=split_rows) var_df = add_cluster_rows(var_df, cluster_col_boolean_dict) # Recombine with n, R^2, etc. and summ.tables[0] = pd.concat([var_df, split_df], axis=0) def _get_cluster_list_of_lists(reg_list): cluster_list_of_lists = [] for result in reg_list: if hasattr(result, 'cluster_variables'): cluster_list_of_lists.append(result.cluster_variables) else: cluster_list_of_lists.append(None) return cluster_list_of_lists def _remove_fe_cols_replace_with_fixed_effect_yes_no_lines(summ, dummy_col_dicts, split_rows): """ Note: inplace """ # split into dataframe of variables and dataframe of N, R^2, etc. var_df, split_df = get_var_df_and_non_var_df(summ.tables[0], split_rows=split_rows) # get name of all fixed effect variables all_cols_to_remove = extract_all_dummy_cols_from_dummy_cols_dict_list(dummy_col_dicts) # remove fixed effect coefs and stderrs var_df = _drop_variables_from_reg_summary_df(var_df, all_cols_to_remove) # construct a single dict where the keys are names of fixed effects and the values are lists of booleans for # whether the fixed effect was used fe_dict = _multiple_model_fe_dict_from_dummy_col_dict_list(dummy_col_dicts) # Add yes no row var_df = add_fixed_effects_rows(var_df, fe_dict) # Recombine with n, R^2, etc. and summ.tables[0] = pd.concat([var_df, split_df], axis=0) def _extract_result_list_and_dummy_dicts(result_sets): plain_results = [] dummy_dicts = [] for ambiguous_result in result_sets: # This is the case where fe has been passed, and we have a dummy_col_dict if isinstance(ambiguous_result, tuple): plain_results.append(ambiguous_result[0]) dummy_dicts.append(ambiguous_result[1]) # No fe passed, just plain result else: plain_results.append(ambiguous_result) dummy_dicts.append(None) # keep order by appending None return plain_results, dummy_dicts def _multiple_model_fe_dict_from_dummy_col_dict_list(dummy_col_dict_list): fixed_effect_rows = extract_all_fe_names_from_dummy_cols_dict_list(dummy_col_dict_list) out_dict = {fe_name: [] for fe_name in fixed_effect_rows} for dummy_col_dict in dummy_col_dict_list: for fe_name in fixed_effect_rows: if (not dummy_col_dict) or (fe_name not in dummy_col_dict): out_dict[fe_name].append(False) else: out_dict[fe_name].append(True) return out_dict def _drop_variables_from_reg_summary_df(df, dropvars): # Find variables to be kept keepvars = [var for var in df.index if var not in dropvars and var != ''] # Create column identifying row as an estimate or standard error df['type'] = ['estimate', 'stderr'] * int(len(df.index) / 2) # Create column identifying variable name of row (no spaces) df['regressor'] = [i for sublist in [[j] * 2 for j in df.index[0::2]] for i in sublist] # Create a column of the original location of the row (will be sorting index, need to get original # order back later) df['idx'] = [i for i in range(len(df))] # Create the multi-index for slicing df = df.set_index(['regressor', 'type']) df = df.sort_index() # Slice on the chosen regressors, reset the index to delete a column later df = df.loc[keepvars].reset_index() df = df.sort_values('idx') # Set value of index back to original - which had blanks for stderrs df.loc[df['type'] == 'stderr', 'regressor'] = '' # Delete the type column df.drop(['type', 'idx'], axis=1, inplace=True) # Reindex the dataframe on the regressor df = df.set_index(['regressor']) # Get rid of name on index = None return df def _check_produce_summary_inputs(regressor_order, supress_other_regressors, model_names, num_models, stderr: bool, t_stats: bool): if (regressor_order == []) & (supress_other_regressors): raise ValueError('must pass regressors to regressor_order to suppress other regressors') if model_names and (len(model_names) != num_models): raise ValueError(f'must pass model_names of equal length to num models. Have {len(model_names)} names and {num_models} models.') if stderr and t_stats: raise ValueError(f'cannot pass both stderr and t stats, pick one of the two or neither') def _result_has_adjusted_r2(result): return hasattr(result, 'rsquared_adj') def _result_has_pseudo_r2(result): return hasattr(result, 'prsquared')