Source code for regtools.quantile

from typing import Sequence, Union, Optional, Tuple

from statsmodels import api as sm
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from regtools.dataprep import _create_reg_df_y_x_and_dummies, _estimate_handling_robust_and_cluster
from regtools.order import _set_regressor_order

[docs]def quantile_reg(df: pd.DataFrame, yvar: str, xvars: Sequence[str], q: float = 0.5, robust: bool = True, cluster: Union[bool, str, Sequence[str]] = False, cons: bool = True, fe: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, interaction_tuples: Optional[Union[Tuple[str, str], Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]]] = None, num_lags: int = 0, lag_variables: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = 'xvars', lag_period_var: str = 'Date', lag_id_var: str = 'TICKER', lag_fill_method: Optional[str] = 'ffill', lag_fill_limit: int = None): """ Returns a fitted quantile regression. Takes df, produces a regression df with no missing among needed variables, and fits a regression model. If robust is specified, uses heteroskedasticity- robust standard errors. If cluster is specified, calculated clustered standard errors by the given variable. :Notes: Only specify at most one of robust and cluster. :param df: :param yvar: column name of outcome y variable :param xvars: column names of x variables for regression :param q: quantile to use :param robust: set to True to use heterskedasticity-robust standard errors :param cluster: set to a column name to calculate standard errors within clusters given by unique values of given column name. set to multiple column names for multiway clustering following Cameron, Gelbach, and Miller (2011). NOTE: will get exponentially slower as more cluster variables are added :param cons: set to False to not include a constant in the regression :param fe: If a str or list of strs is passed, uses these categorical variables to construct dummies for fixed effects. :param interaction_tuples: tuple or list of tuples of column names to interact and include as xvars :param num_lags: Number of periods to lag variables. Setting to other than 0 will activate lags :param lag_variables: 'all', 'xvars', or list of strs of names of columns to lag for regressions. :param lag_period_var: only used if lag_variables is not None. name of column which contains period variable for lagging :param lag_id_var: only used if lag_variables is not None. name of column which contains identifier variable for lagging :param lag_fill_method: 'ffill' or 'bfill' for which method to use to fill in missing rows when creating lag variables. Set to None to not fill and have missing instead. See pandas.DataFrame.fillna for more details :param lag_fill_limit: maximum number of periods to fill with lag_fill_method :return: statsmodels regression result """ regdf, y, X, dummy_cols_dict, lag_variables = _create_reg_df_y_x_and_dummies(df, yvar, xvars, cluster=cluster, cons=cons, fe=fe, interaction_tuples=interaction_tuples, num_lags=num_lags, lag_variables=lag_variables, lag_period_var=lag_period_var, lag_id_var=lag_id_var, fill_method=lag_fill_method, fill_limit=lag_fill_limit) mod = sm.QuantReg(y, X) result = _estimate_handling_robust_and_cluster(regdf, mod, robust, cluster, q=q) # Only return dummy_cols_dict when fe is active if fe is not None: result.dummy_cols_dict = dummy_cols_dict else: result.dummy_cols_dict = None if cluster is not None: result.cluster = cluster else: result.cluster = None return result
[docs]def reg_for_each_quantile_output_plot(main_iv, *reg_args, num_quantiles=8, main_iv_label=None, outpath=None, clear_figure=True, **reg_kwargs): """ Creates a plot of effect of main_iv on yvar at different quantiles. To be used after reg_for_each_quantile_produce_result_df :param main_iv: str, column name of independent variable of interest :param reg_args: see quantile_reg for args :param num_quantiles: number of quantile regressions to run. will be spaced evenly. higher numbers produce smoother graphs but take longer to run :param main_iv_label: str, label of independent variable of interest :param outpath: str, filepath to output figure. must include matplotlib supported extension such as .pdf or .png :param clear_figure: bool, True wipe memory of matplotlib figure after running function :param reg_kwargs: see quantile_reg for kwargs :return: result_df from reg_for_each_quantile_produce_result_df """ main_iv_label = _validate_quantile_reg_and_plot_args(main_iv, main_iv_label) result_df = reg_for_each_quantile_produce_result_df( main_iv, *reg_args, num_quantiles=num_quantiles, **reg_kwargs ) quantile_plot_from_quantile_result_df( result_df, reg_args[1], #yvar main_iv_label, outpath=outpath, clear_figure=clear_figure ) return result_df
[docs]def reg_for_each_quantile_produce_result_df(main_iv, *reg_args, num_quantiles=8, **reg_kwargs): """ Produce result DataFrame of running multiple quantile regressions spaced out between the (0,1) interval :param main_iv: str, column name of independent variable of interest :param reg_args: see quantile_reg for args :param num_quantiles: number of quantile regressions to run. will be spaced evenly. higher numbers produce smoother graphs but take longer to run :param reg_kwargs: see quantile_reg for kwargs :return: """ quantiles = _create_quantiles_from_num_quantiles(num_quantiles) results = [(quantile_reg(*reg_args, q=q, **reg_kwargs), q) for q in quantiles] main_iv = _set_regressor_order([main_iv], reg_kwargs)[0] simple_results = [_produce_simplified_result_list(result[0], result[1], main_iv) for result in results] return pd.DataFrame(simple_results, columns=['q', 'a', 'b', 'lb', 'ub'])
def _produce_simplified_result_list(res, q, main_iv): # Handle possibility of dummy cols dict coming through with result as tuple if isinstance(res, tuple): res = res[0] return [q, res.params['const'], res.params[main_iv]] + \ res.conf_int().ix[main_iv].tolist() def _create_quantiles_from_num_quantiles(num_quantiles): quant_lower_bound = 1 / (num_quantiles + 1) quant_upper_bound = quant_lower_bound * num_quantiles + quant_lower_bound / 2 return np.arange(quant_lower_bound, quant_upper_bound, quant_lower_bound)
[docs]def quantile_plot_from_quantile_result_df(result_df, yvar, main_iv, outpath=None, clear_figure=True): """ Creates a plot of effect of main_iv on yvar at different quantiles. To be used after reg_for_each_quantile_produce_result_df :param result_df: pd.DataFrame, result from reg_for_each_quantile_produce_result_df :param yvar: str, label of dependent variable :param main_iv: str, label of independent variable of interest :param outpath: str, filepath to output figure. must include matplotlib supported extension such as .pdf or .png :param clear_figure: bool, True wipe memory of matplotlib figure after running function :return: """ p1 = plt.plot(result_df.q, result_df.b, color='black', label='Quantile Regression Slope') p2 = plt.plot(result_df.q, result_df.ub, linestyle='dotted', color='black', label='95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound') p3 = plt.plot(result_df.q,, linestyle='dotted', color='black', label='95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound') plt.title(f'Effect of {main_iv} on {yvar}') plt.ylabel(r'Conditional Coefficient') plt.xlabel(f'Quantiles of {yvar}') plt.legend() if outpath: plt.savefig(outpath) else: if clear_figure: plt.clf()
def _is_quantile_reg_str(reg_str): return reg_str in ('quantile', 'quant', 'q', 'quantile reg', 'quantile_reg', 'quant_reg', 'quantreg', 'qreg', 'quantile regression') def _validate_quantile_reg_and_plot_args(main_iv, main_iv_label): main_iv_label = _set_main_iv_label(main_iv, main_iv_label) return main_iv_label def _set_main_iv_label(main_iv, main_iv_label): """ Set default main iv label as main iv """ if main_iv_label is None: return main_iv else: return main_iv_label