Source code for regtools.linmodels.bindings.fe

from typing import Optional, Any, Sequence, Union
import pandas as pd
from linearmodels import PanelOLS

from regtools.regtypes import LinearModelsKwargs, DummyColsDict, StrOrListOfStrsOrNone
from import _to_list_if_not

[docs]def dummy_cols_dict_from_model( model: PanelOLS, regdf: pd.DataFrame ) -> Optional[DummyColsDict]: dummy_cols_dict = {} firm_index, time_index = regdf.index.levels if _has_attr_and_attr_is_truthy(model, "entity_effects"): dummy_cols_dict[] = firm_index.unique().tolist() if _has_attr_and_attr_is_truthy(model, "time_effects"): dummy_cols_dict[] = time_index.unique().tolist() if _has_attr_and_attr_is_truthy(model, "_other_effect_cats") and model._other_effect_cats is not None: other_df = model._other_effect_cats.dataframe other_dict = {col: other_df[col].unique().tolist() for col in other_df.columns} dummy_cols_dict.update(other_dict) return dummy_cols_dict
[docs]def linearmodels_fe_kwarg_dict_from_fe( fe: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]], regdf: pd.DataFrame ) -> LinearModelsKwargs: if fe is None: return {} fe = _to_list_if_not(fe) fe_kwargs: LinearModelsKwargs = {} entity_col, time_col = regdf.index.names other_cols = [] for col in fe: if col == entity_col: fe_kwargs.update(dict(entity_effects=True)) elif col == time_col: fe_kwargs.update(dict(time_effects=True)) else: other_cols.append(col) if other_cols: fe_kwargs.update(dict(other_effects=regdf[other_cols])) return fe_kwargs
def _has_attr_and_attr_is_truthy(obj: Any, attr: str) -> bool: if not hasattr(obj, attr): return False value = getattr(obj, attr) return value is not None and value is not False and value != 0