Source code for regtools.differenced

from typing import Sequence, Optional

import pandas as pd

from .reg import reg
from pd_utils.filldata import add_missing_group_rows
from regtools.lag.create import _is_special_lag_keyword

[docs]def diff_reg(df: pd.DataFrame, yvar: str, xvars: Sequence[str], id_col: str, date_col: str, difference_lag: int = 1, diff_cols: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, diff_fill_method: str = 'ffill', diff_fill_limit: Optional[int] = None, **reg_kwargs): """ Fits a differenced regression. :param df: :param yvar: column name of outcome y variable :param xvars: column names of x variables for regression :param id_col: column name of variable representing entities in the data :param date_col: column name of variable representing time in the data :param difference_lag: Number of lags to use for difference :param diff_cols: columns to take differences on :param diff_fill_method: pandas fill methods, 'ffill' or 'bfill' :param diff_fill_limit: maximum number of periods to fill missing data, default no limit :param reg_kwargs: :return: """ if not isinstance(xvars, list): xvars = list(xvars) if diff_cols is None: # All by default diff_cols = [yvar] + xvars df = create_differenced_variables(df, diff_cols, id_col=id_col, date_col=date_col, difference_lag=difference_lag, fill_method=diff_fill_method, fill_limit=diff_fill_limit) # Convert names in lists of variables being passed to reg reg_yvar, reg_xvars = _convert_variable_names(yvar, xvars, diff_cols) this_reg_kwargs = reg_kwargs.copy() if 'interaction_tuples' in reg_kwargs: this_reg_kwargs['interaction_tuples'] = _convert_interaction_tuples(reg_kwargs['interaction_tuples'], diff_cols) if 'lag_variables' in reg_kwargs: this_reg_kwargs['lag_variables'] = _convert_list_of_variables_to_difference_names(reg_kwargs['lag_variables'], diff_cols) if 'reg_type' in reg_kwargs: this_reg_kwargs['reg_type'] = 'ols' result = reg(df, reg_yvar, reg_xvars, **this_reg_kwargs) differenced_names = [col + ' Change' for col in diff_cols] df.drop(differenced_names, axis=1, inplace=True) return result
[docs]def create_differenced_variables(df, diff_cols, id_col='TICKER', date_col='Date', difference_lag=1, fill_method='ffill', fill_limit: int = None): """ Note: partially inplace """ df.sort_values([id_col, date_col], inplace=True) # Save original byvars, for outputting df of same shape orig_index_df = df[[id_col, date_col]] # Fill in missing data df = add_missing_group_rows(df, [id_col], [date_col], fill_method=fill_method, fill_limit=fill_limit) for col in diff_cols: _create_differenced_variable(df, col, id_col=id_col, difference_lag=difference_lag) if fill_method is not None: df = orig_index_df.merge(df, how='left', on=[id_col, date_col]) return df
def _create_differenced_variable(df, col, id_col='TICKER', difference_lag=1, keep_lag=False): """ Note: inplace """ df[col + '_lag'] = df.groupby(id_col)[col].shift(difference_lag) df[col + ' Change'] = df[col] - df[col + '_lag'] if not keep_lag: df.drop(col + '_lag', axis=1, inplace=True) def _convert_variable_names(yvar, xvars, diff_cols): if yvar in diff_cols: yvar = yvar + ' Change' out_xvars = _convert_list_of_variables_to_difference_names(xvars, diff_cols) return yvar, out_xvars def _convert_list_of_variables_to_difference_names(varlist, diff_cols): # if 'all' or 'xvars' is passed, no conversion needed if _is_special_lag_keyword(varlist): return varlist out_vars = [] for var in varlist: if var in diff_cols: out_vars.append(var + ' Change') else: out_vars.append(var) return out_vars def _convert_interaction_tuples(interaction_tuples, diff_cols): out_tuples = [] for tup in interaction_tuples: out_tuples.append(tuple([var + ' Change' if var in diff_cols else var for var in tup])) return out_tuples def _is_diff_reg_str(reg_str): return reg_str in ('diff', 'difference', 'diff_reg', 'diff reg', 'difference reg', 'difference regression')