Welcome to Regression Tools documentation!¶
High-level Regression Utilities
To get started, look here.
An overview of regtools
This package makes it easier to run various kinds of regressions. Handles fixed effects, 2+ way clustering, hypothesis testing, lagged variables, differenced variables, interaction effects, iteration tools, and producing summaries for a variety of models including OLS, Logit, Probit, Quantile, and Fama-Macbeth.
Single Regressions¶
Returns a fitted regression. |
Runs a regression from the linearmodels library, standardizing the output to that of statsmodels |
Fits a differenced regression. |
Returns a fitted quantile regression. |
Produce Summary¶
Produce a summary from a list of regression results |
Iteration Tools¶
Takes each possible combination of xvars (starting from each var individually, then each pair of vars, etc. |
Runs regressions on the same y variable for each set of x variables passed. |
Convenience function to run regressions for every combination of xvars, select the best models, and present them in a summary format. |
Convenience function to run regressions for every set of xvars passed and present them in a summary format. |
Convenience function to run regressions for multiple y variables with the same x variables |
Convenience function to run regressions for multiple y variables with the same x variables and and present them in a summary format. |
Convenience function to run regressions with the same y and x variables for every passed number of lags |
Convenience function to run regressions with the same y and x variables for every passed number of lags and produce a summary. |
Hypothesis Testing¶
Takes a list of fitted regression models and selects among them based on adjusted R-Squared. |
Selecting Models¶
Perform a hypothesis test with one or multiple columns |
API Docs¶
API Documentation
- regtools
- regtools package
- Subpackages
- Submodules
- regtools.args module
- regtools.chooser module
- regtools.controls module
- regtools.dataprep module
- regtools.differenced module
- regtools.ext_statsmodels module
- regtools.interact module
- regtools.iter module
- regtools.models module
- regtools.order module
- regtools.quantile module
- regtools.reg module
- regtools.regtypes module
- regtools.select module
- regtools.tools module
- regtools package