Getting started with finstmt


Install via:

pip install finstmt


This is a simple example to construct financial statements:

bs_path = r'WMT Balance Sheet.xlsx'
inc_path = r'WMT Income Statement.xlsx'
bs_df = pd.read_excel(bs_path)
inc_df = pd.read_excel(inc_path)
bs_data = BalanceSheets.from_df(bs_df)
inc_data = IncomeStatements.from_df(inc_df)
stmts = FinancialStatements(inc_data, bs_data)


See the example notebook for an example of forecasting. The available forecast methods are:

  • auto: Uses prophet

  • trend: Fits a linear trend regression

  • cagr: Calculates the compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) and grows each future period at that rate

  • mean: Uses an average of the historical to predict the future

  • recent: Uses the most recent value to predict the future