Source code for pyexlatex.table.models.labels.table

from typing import Optional, List, Union
from pandas.core.indexes.base import Index as PandasIndex
from itertools import zip_longest
import warnings

from import _max_len_or_zero
from mixins.repr import ReprMixin
from pyexlatex.table.models.labels.collection import LabelCollection
from pyexlatex.table.models.labels.row import LabelRow
from pyexlatex.table.models.table.section import TableSection
from pyexlatex.table.models.texgen.lines import TableLineSegment, TableLineOfSegments

[docs]class LabelTable(TableSection, ReprMixin): """ A set of label rows to apply to a DataTable. Example: >>>import pyexlatex.table as lt >>>data_table = lt.DataTable.from_df(some_df) >>>col_label_table = lt.LabelTable.from_list_of_lists([['One header'],['More','Headers']]) >>>row_label_table = lt.LabelTable.from_list_of_lists([['Some','Row','Labels']]).T >>>data_table.column_labels = col_label_table """ repr_cols = ['label_collections']
[docs] def __init__(self, label_collections: List[LabelCollection], break_size_adjustment: Optional[str] = None): self.label_collections = label_collections self.break_size_adjustment = break_size_adjustment
def __add__(self, other): # Import here to avoid circular imports from import DataTable from pyexlatex.table.models.spacing.columntable import ColumnPadTable # Return a DataTable if just adding labels to an existing DataTable if isinstance(other, DataTable) and not other.row_labels: values_table = other.values_table column_labels = other.column_labels row_labels = self if column_labels is not None: # Pad column labels to account for new row labels num_columns_after = self.num_columns + values_table.num_columns column_labels.pad(num_columns_after, direction='left') return DataTable( values_table=values_table, column_labels=column_labels, row_labels=row_labels, skip_add_top_left_to_column_labels=True ) if isinstance(other, ColumnPadTable): self.pad(self.num_columns + other.width) return self else: return super().__add__(other) def __iter__(self): for collection in self.label_collections: yield collection def __getitem__(self, item): return self.label_collections[item] def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.label_collections @property def length(self): return len(self.label_collections) @property def rows(self): try: return self._rows except AttributeError: self._rows = self._create_rows() return self._rows def _create_rows(self): len_rows = _max_len_or_zero(self.label_collections) rows = [] label_collection: LabelCollection for label_collection in self.label_collections: rows.append( LabelRow(label_collection) ) if label_collection.underlines is not None: rows.append( TableLineOfSegments.from_list_of_ints(label_collection.underlines, num_columns=len(label_collection)) ) return rows # Following property/setter exist to recreate rows if user overrides labels @property def label_collections(self): return self._label_collections @label_collections.setter def label_collections(self, label_collections: List[LabelCollection]): self._label_collections = label_collections self._recreate_rows_if_created()
[docs] @classmethod def from_list_of_lists(cls, list_of_lists: List[List[str]]): label_collections = [] for label_list in list_of_lists: label_collections.append( LabelCollection.from_str_list(label_list) ) return cls(label_collections)
[docs] @classmethod def from_df_index(cls, df_columns: PandasIndex): column_list = [col for col in df_columns] return cls.from_list_of_lists([column_list])
@property def is_empty(self): return len(self.label_collections) == 0
[docs] def remove(self, item): self.label_collections.remove(item)
@property def T(self): return LabelTable(list(map(LabelCollection, zip_longest(*self.label_collections))))
[docs] def matches(self, other): """ Note: use to compare strings inside LabelTables. Use regular equality comparison to compare objects :param other: :return: """ if not isinstance(other, LabelTable): warnings.warn(f'LabelTable.matches() called on type {type(other)}. Will always return False') return False max_rows = max(len(self.label_collections), len(other.label_collections)) # Go through all label collections, calling LabelCollection.matches, and returning False if any don't match for n_row in range(max_rows): if not self.label_collections[n_row].matches(other.label_collections[n_row]): return False # made it through loop, so all were matching return True
[docs] def contains(self, item): """ Note: use to compare strings inside LabelCollections. Use label_collection in LabelTable to compare objects :param item: :return: """ if not isinstance(item, (str, list, LabelCollection)): warnings.warn(f'LabelTable.contains() called on type {type(item)}. Will always return False') return False item: LabelCollection = LabelCollection.parse_unknown_type(item) label_collection: LabelCollection for label_collection in self: if label_collection.matches(item): return True # as soon as one match, return true # went through all label collections without a match. no match return False
[docs] def begins_with(self, item: Union[str, list, LabelCollection]): if not isinstance(item, (str, list, LabelCollection)): warnings.warn(f'LabelTable.begins_with() called on type {type(item)}. Will always return False') return False label: LabelCollection = LabelCollection.parse_unknown_type(item) begin_label_collection = LabelCollection([self.label_collections[0][0]]) return begin_label_collection.matches(label)
[docs] def pad(self, length: int, direction='right'): """ Expand table out to the right or left with blanks, until it is length passed (apply to every row) :param length: :param direction: :return: """ [collection.pad(length=length, direction=direction) for collection in self.label_collections]
[docs] def append(self, item): item: LabelCollection = LabelCollection.parse_unknown_type(item) # add rather than append directly to activate setter self.label_collections = self.label_collections + [item]
[docs] def insert(self, item, index): item: LabelCollection = LabelCollection.parse_unknown_type(item) # add rather than append directly to activate setter self.label_collections.insert(index, item)
[docs] def split_bottom_left(self) -> 'LabelTable': """ Takes the bottom left label and creates a new LabelTable from it, removing it from this LabelTable """ out_label_collections: List[LabelCollection] = [] for i, label_collection in enumerate(self.label_collections): if i == len(self.label_collections) - 1: # Last row, do the split label = label_collection.pop_left() out_label_collections.append(LabelCollection([label])) else: out_label_collections.append(LabelCollection.from_str_list([''])) return self.__class__(out_label_collections)