from typing import Union, Iterable, List
import re
from copy import deepcopy
from import _add_if_not_none
from pyexlatex.table.models.labels.label import Label
from pyexlatex.table.models.mixins.addvalues.row import RowAddMixin
from pyexlatex.table.models.table.rowbase import RowBase
[docs]class LabelCollection(RowBase):
Represents one row of labels. Use to construct a LabelTable to apply to a DataTable.
Main usage is LabelCollection.from_str_list
repr_cols = ['values', 'underlines']
[docs] def __init__(self, values: List[Label], underline: Union[int, str]=None):
:param values:
:param underline: int, str, or None, pass index or label to underline, pass a str range, e.g. '2-5' for a
range of labels to underline, pass space separated indices as a str, e.g. '0 2' for
separated underlines, or a combination, e.g. '2-5 8'
if isinstance(values, tuple):
values = list(values)
self.values: List[Label] = values
underline_label_indices = _convert_underline_to_label_index_list(underline)
self.underlines = self._convert_label_indices_to_column_indices(underline_label_indices)
def __str__(self):
return str(sum(self.values))
[docs] def matches(self, other):
Compare on the basis of having same values, rather than same instance
Use regular equality to test if same instance
:param other:
for i, value in enumerate(self):
except IndexError:
return False # any one misalignment, no match
if value != other[i]:
return False
# same number of rows, all rows equal
return True
[docs] def is_subset_of(self, other) -> bool:
Checks whether this label collection is part of another
label collection. E.g. if other has ['a', 'b'] and
this has ['a'] then this is a subset.
for i, value in enumerate(other):
matched = value == self[i]
if not matched:
return False
except IndexError:
return True
[docs] @classmethod
def from_str_list(cls, str_list: List[str], underline: Union[int, str]=None) -> 'LabelCollection':
underline: int, str, or None, pass index or label to underline, pass a str range, e.g. '2-5' for a
range of labels to underline, pass space separated indices as a str, e.g. '0 2' for
separated underlines, or a combination, e.g. '2-5 8'
labels = [Label(value) for value in str_list]
return cls(labels, underline=underline)
[docs] @classmethod
def parse_unknown_type(cls, unknown_type: Union[str, Iterable[str], 'LabelCollection']) -> 'LabelCollection':
if isinstance(unknown_type, LabelCollection):
return unknown_type
if isinstance(unknown_type, str):
unknown_type = [unknown_type]
if isinstance(unknown_type, list):
return LabelCollection.from_str_list(unknown_type)
raise ValueError(f'unable to parse type {type(unknown_type)} into label collection')
def _convert_label_indices_to_column_indices(self, label_indices: List[int]):
column_indices: List[int] = []
position = 0
for i, value in enumerate(self.values):
begin_position = position
position += _get_item_length(value)
# if this label is included in label indices, add all ints in the range of span of label
if i in label_indices:
column_indices += [i for i in range(begin_position, position)]
if column_indices == []:
return None
return column_indices
[docs] def shift_underlines(self, shift: int):
if self.underlines is None:
self.underlines = [u + shift for u in self.underlines]
def __add__(self, other):
# need to handle shifting of indices
if isinstance(other, LabelCollection):
to_add = deepcopy(other)
to_add = other
result = super().__add__(to_add)
# carry through underlines with addition
if isinstance(result, LabelCollection):
underlines = _add_if_not_none(self.underlines, to_add.underlines)
result.underlines = underlines
return result
def __radd__(self, other):
# need to handle shifting of indices
to_add = deepcopy(self)
result = RowAddMixin.radd(to_add, other)
# carry through underlines with addition
if isinstance(result, LabelCollection):
if isinstance(other, LabelCollection):
underlines = _add_if_not_none(to_add.underlines, other.underlines)
underlines = to_add.underlines
result.underlines = underlines
return result
[docs] def pad(self, length: int, direction='right'):
Expand row out to the right or left with blanks, until it is length passed
:param length:
# only necessary to move underline columns if padding left
if direction == 'left':
num_values_to_add = length - len(self)
super().pad(length=length, direction=direction)
[docs] def pop_left(self) -> Label:
label = self.values.pop(0)
return label
def _get_item_length(item):
if isinstance(item, Label):
return len(item)
return 1
def _convert_underline_to_label_index_list(underline: Union[int, str]=None):
if underline is None:
return []
assert isinstance(underline, (int, str))
if isinstance(underline, int):
return [underline]
# underline is str
int_list: List[int] = []
for part in underline.split():
# handle each space separated part. if just a range, will only be one part
# check if is range like '3-5'
if _is_range_str(part):
int_list += _range_str_to_int_list(part)
except ValueError:
raise NotImplementedError(f'could not parse underline str into int. full underline '
f'str: {underline}. failed processing part: {part}')
return int_list
def _range_str_to_int_list(underline: str):
bottom, top = underline.split('-')
return [i for i in range(int(bottom), int(top) + 1)]
def _is_range_str(underline: str):
pattern = re.compile(r'\d+-\d+')
if pattern.match(underline):
return True
return False