Add exceptions here and set _match_str to whatever string should match the exception. They will automatically
be passed to the exception manager
import sys
import inspect
from pyexlatex.logic.output.errors.models.exception_manager import LatexExceptionManager
[docs]class LatexException(Exception):
_match_str = ''
[docs]class TooManyUnprocessedFloatsException(LatexException):
_match_str = 'Too many unprocessed floats'
[docs]class OutputLoopConsecutiveDeadCycles(LatexException):
_match_str = 'consecutive dead cycles'
####### Exception Manager Logic (only define specific exceptions above here) #############
exception_classes = [class_tuple[1] for class_tuple in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isclass)]
excluded_classes = [
specific_exception_classes = [klass for klass in exception_classes if klass not in excluded_classes]
exception_manager = LatexExceptionManager(specific_exception_classes)