from typing import Sequence, List, Union
from pyexlatex.models.format.join import Joined
[docs]def join_with_commas_and_and(items: Sequence[str]) -> str:
if len(items) == 0:
return ''
elif len(items) == 1:
return items[0]
elif len(items) == 2:
# Use only and, not commas
return f'{items[0]} and {items[1]}'
# Length 3+, handled the same, commas for all and also and on the last join
out_str = ', '.join(items[:-1])
out_str += f', and {items[-1]}'
return out_str
[docs]def join_with_commas_and_and_output_list(items: Sequence[str]) -> List[str]:
if len(items) == 0:
return ['']
elif len(items) == 1:
return [items[0]]
elif len(items) == 2:
# Use only and, not commas
return [items[0], ' and ', items[1]]
# Length 3+, handled the same, commas for all and also and on the last join
out_list: List[Union[str, Joined]] = []
for item in items[:-1]:
out_list.append(Joined([item, ', ']))
out_list[-1] = Joined([items[-2], ', and ']) # remove comma after last item added, replace with comma and and
return out_list