Source code for

from typing import Sequence, Union, Optional, List, cast
from copy import deepcopy
from pyexlatex.models.item import ItemBase
from pyexlatex.models.containeritem import ContainerItem
from import Node
from import Arrow
from import Right, Below

[docs]class LinearFlowchart(ContainerItem, ItemBase): """ Creates a linear flow chart (nodes with arrows in between), going horizontally or vertically from one item to the next. """
[docs] def __init__(self, steps: Sequence[Union[Node, str]], horizontal: bool = True, node_options: Optional[List[str]] = None): self.steps = steps self.horizontal = horizontal self.node_options = node_options self.add_data_from_content(steps) self.nodes = self._get_nodes() self.contents = self._get_contents()
def __str__(self) -> str: from pyexlatex.logic.builder import _build if isinstance(self.contents, (list, tuple)): return _build(self.contents) else: return str(self.contents) def _get_contents(self) -> List[Union[Node, Arrow]]: nodes = self.nodes contents = deepcopy(nodes) for i, node in enumerate(nodes): if i == 0: continue contents.append(Arrow(nodes[i - 1], nodes[i])) self.add_data_from_content(contents) return contents def _get_nodes(self) -> List[Node]: out_nodes = [] for i, item in enumerate(self.steps): if hasattr(item, 'is_Node') and item.is_Node: # type: ignore node_item: Node = cast(Node, item) if i == 0: out_nodes.append(node_item) continue # If beyond the first element, need to create a new node with the same info, but with # position relative to the last element new_node = Node( contents=node_item.content, location=self.direction(of=out_nodes[i - 1]), label=node_item.label, options=node_item.options, overlay=node_item.overlay ) new_node.add_data_from_content(node_item) out_nodes.append( new_node ) else: # Treat as str passed, need to create node with str and node options out_nodes.append( Node( contents=item, location=self.direction(of=out_nodes[i - 1]) if i > 0 else None, options=self.node_options ) ) return out_nodes @property def direction(self) -> type: if self.horizontal: return Right else: return Below