Source code for pyexlatex.figure.models.figure

import os
from typing import Union, List, Dict, Any, TYPE_CHECKING, Optional

from pyexlatex.typing import PyexlatexItems

    from matplotlib.pyplot import Axes, Figure as PltFigure

from pyexlatex.figure.models.subfigure import Subfigure, Graphic
from pyexlatex.models.item import Item
from pyexlatex.models.caption import Caption
from pyexlatex.models.label import Label
from pyexlatex.logic.builder import build_figure_content
from pyexlatex.texgen.replacements.filename import latex_filename_replacements

from pyexlatex.models.commands.newenvironment import NewEnvironment
from pyexlatex.models.commands.begin import Begin
from pyexlatex.models.commands.end import End
from pyexlatex.models.environment import Environment
from pyexlatex.models.containeritem import ContainerItem

SubfigureOrGraphic = Union[Subfigure, Graphic]
SubfiguresOrGraphics = List[SubfigureOrGraphic]
PltFigureOrAxes = Union['Axes', 'PltFigure']
PltFigureOrAxesNameDict = Dict[str, PltFigureOrAxes]

[docs]class Figure(ContainerItem, Item): """ Used for creating latex figures from images. Currently the main usage is the Figure class created with the method Figure.from_dict_of_names_and_filepaths. Pass a dictionary where the keys are names for subfigures and the values are filepaths where the image for the subfigure is located. """ name = 'figure'
[docs] def __init__(self, subfigures: SubfiguresOrGraphics, caption: Optional[PyexlatexItems] = None, label: Optional[str] = None, centering: bool = True, position_str: Optional[str] = None, landscape: bool = False, short_caption: Optional[str] = None): self.subfigures = subfigures self.caption = Caption(caption, short_caption=short_caption) if caption else None self.label = Label(label) if label else None self.centering = centering self.landscape = landscape self._remove_subfigure_elevate_contents_to_figure_if_single_subfigure() self.add_data_from_content(self.subfigures) content = build_figure_content( self.subfigures, caption=self.caption, label=self.label, centering=self.centering, position_str=position_str ) super().__init__(, content) if landscape: lfigure_def = NewEnvironment( 'lfigure', Begin('landscape') + Begin('figure'), End('figure') + End('landscape') ) self.env = Environment('lfigure')
def __repr__(self): return f'<Figure(subfigures={self.subfigures}, caption={self.caption})>' def __iter__(self): for subfigure in self.subfigures: yield subfigure def __getitem__(self, item): return self.subfigures[item]
[docs] def as_document(self, landscape=False): from pyexlatex.models.document import Document from pyexlatex.figure.packages import default_packages return Document(self, default_packages, landscape=landscape)
[docs] def to_pdf_and_move(self, as_document=True, outfolder: str=None, outname: str=None, landscape=False): from pyexlatex.logic.output.main import output_document_and_move from pyexlatex.models.document import Document to_output: Union[Figure, Document] to_output = self # Figure if as_document: to_output = self.as_document( # Document landscape=landscape if self.landscape == False else False # don't apply landscape twice ) if outfolder is None: outfolder = '.' if outname is None: outname = 'figure' else: outname = latex_filename_replacements(outname) output_document_and_move( to_output, outfolder,, outname=outname, as_document=as_document, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict_of_names_and_filepaths(cls, filepath_name_dict: dict, figure_name: str=None, position_str_name_dict: dict=None, **kwargs): """ Create a Figure from a dictionary where keys are names of subfigures and values are file paths :param filepath_name_dict: dictionary where keys are names of subfigures and values are the filepaths to the images for those subfigures. :param figure_name: name for overall figure :param position_str_name_dict: dictionary where keys are names of subfigures and values are the position strs for those figures, e.g. r'[t]{0.45\linewidth}' :param kwargs: kwargs for Figure :return: Figure """ # TODO [#3]: for Figure, add possibility of passing grid shape rather than actual position str if position_str_name_dict is None: position_str_name_dict = {} subfigures = [] for name, filepath in filepath_name_dict.items(): subfigures.append( Subfigure( filepath, caption=name, position_str=position_str_name_dict[name] if name in position_str_name_dict else r'[t]{0.45\linewidth}' ) ) return cls( subfigures, caption=figure_name, **kwargs )
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict_of_names_and_plt_figures(cls, plt_fig_name_dict: PltFigureOrAxesNameDict, sources_outfolder: str, source_filetype: str = 'pdf', figure_name: str=None, position_str_name_dict: dict=None, **kwargs): """ Create a Figure from a dictionary where keys are names of subfigures and values are matplotlib Figures or Axes :param plt_fig_name_dict: Key is display name in output figure, value is matplotlib axes or figure :param sources_outfolder: folder to output individual matplotlib figures :param source_filetype: Filetype for individual plt figures. The default is pdf. Use png or another image type if outputting complicated figures or performance may be affected when viewing the pdf. :param figure_name: name for overall figure :param position_str_name_dict: dictionary where keys are names of subfigures and values are the position strs for those figures, e.g. r'[t]{0.45\linewidth}' :param kwargs: kwargs for Figure :return: Figure """ filepath_name_dict = {} # store outputted filepaths of sources to pass to from_dict_of_names_and_filepaths for name, plt_figure_or_axes in plt_fig_name_dict.items(): plt_figure = _get_plt_figure_from_axes_or_figure(plt_figure_or_axes) outpath = os.path.join(sources_outfolder, f'{latex_filename_replacements(name)}.{source_filetype}') plt_figure.savefig(outpath) filepath_name_dict[name] = outpath return cls.from_dict_of_names_and_filepaths( filepath_name_dict, figure_name=figure_name, position_str_name_dict=position_str_name_dict, **kwargs )
def _remove_subfigure_elevate_contents_to_figure_if_single_subfigure(self): """ If there is a single subfigure, leaving in subfigure format results in very small output. Must strip out subfigure layer, leaving only a figure with a graphic, then it can fill the page. :return: """ if len(self.subfigures) != 1: return self.subfigures: List[Union[Subfigure, Graphic]] if hasattr(self.subfigures[0], 'graphic'): # got subfigure item_is_subfigure = True orig_graphic = self.subfigures[0].graphic else: # got graphic item_is_subfigure = False orig_graphic = self.subfigures[0] orig_width = self.subfigures[0].width # Elevate caption of sub-figure if there is no figure caption if self.caption is None and item_is_subfigure: self.caption = self.subfigures[0].caption # update width to original width graphic = Graphic(orig_graphic.filepaths[0], width=orig_width) # need to turn off centering to cover whole page self.centering = False self.subfigures = [graphic]
[docs] def to_graphic_list(self) -> List[Graphic]: graphics: List[Graphic] = [] for subfig_or_graphic in self.subfigures: if isinstance(subfig_or_graphic, Graphic): graphics.append(subfig_or_graphic) elif isinstance(subfig_or_graphic, Subfigure): graphics.append(subfig_or_graphic.graphic) else: raise ValueError(f'got other than Subfigure or Graphic in subfigures: ' f'{subfig_or_graphic} of type {type(subfig_or_graphic)}') return graphics
def _get_plt_figure_from_axes_or_figure(plt_axes_or_fig: PltFigureOrAxes) -> 'PltFigure': # Both axes and figure have the get_figure method, however for the figure, it will return None possible_figure = plt_axes_or_fig.get_figure() if possible_figure is None: return plt_axes_or_fig # had figure already else: return possible_figure # extracted figure from axes