Source code for pyexlatex.equations

import math
import os

from import date_time_move_latex

[docs]def latex_equations_to_pdf(latex_list, directory, name='Equations', below_text=None, math_size=18, text_size=14, title=None, para_space='1em', inline=False, as_document=True): script_size = math.ceil(math_size * (2/3)) scriptscript_size = math.ceil(math_size * .5) assert text_size in (8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 20) #latex allowed font sizes if inline: surround_char_beg = '$' surround_char_end = '$' else: surround_char_beg = r'\begin{dmath}' surround_char_end = r'\end{dmath}' # Header and footer are needed to create a standalone document using the equations. # If as_document=False, header and footer will not be used. headers = [r'\documentclass[{} pt]{{extarticle}}'.format(text_size), #First size is text size, second is math size, third is script size, #fourth is scriptscript size r'\DeclareMathSizes{{{0}}}{{{1}}}{{{2}}}{{{3}}}'.format( text_size, math_size, script_size, scriptscript_size), r'\usepackage{amsmath}', r'\usepackage{breqn}', r'\usepackage[margin=0.3in]{geometry}', r'\author{Nick DeRobertis}' ,r'\begin{document}', r'\setlength{{\parskip}}{{{}}}'.format(para_space)] footers = [r'\end{document}'] name_tex = name + '.tex' file_path = os.path.join(directory, name_tex) # Actually write to file with open(file_path, 'w') as f: if as_document: f.write('\n'.join(headers) + '\n') [f.write(surround_char_beg + '{}'.format(line) + surround_char_end + '\n\n') for line in latex_list] if below_text: f.write('\n' + below_text + '\n') if as_document: f.write('\n'.join(footers)) os.chdir(directory) # Only create pdf if we are creating a standalone document if as_document: os.system('pdflatex ' + '"' + name_tex + '"') #create pdf date_time_move_latex(name, directory, 'Equations')