Welcome to Python Extends LaTeX documentation!¶
To get started, look here.
An overview¶
lets you create PDF and HTML documents and
presentations with a high-level API. Getting started is
as simple as:
pl.Document("some content")
It has two APIs, object-oriented and template-driven, to
suit different workflows. pyexlatex
makes it easy
to insert data into your document.
my_value = 5
contents = [
f'Some text. My value is {my_value}.',
'A bullet',
title='First Section'
template = """
{% filter Section(title='First Section') %}
Some text. My value is {{ my_value }}.
{{ [
'A bullet',
] | UnorderedList }}
{% endfilter %}
class MyModel(pl.Model):
my_value = 5
content = [MyModel(template_str=template)]
Presentations are supported too.
pres_content = [
'Some text',
'more text'
title='My Block'
pl.OrderedList(["one", "two"])
Document Types¶
Main class used for creating latex documents. |
The main high-level class for creating one-off graphics, equations, etc. |
The main high-level class for creating presentations, can render presentations as PDF in either a presenter style or a handouts style. |
Pass sympy or string equations to have them rendered in LaTeX. |
A paragraph, the second smallest section block. |
Part of a paragraph, the smallest section block. |
A section of the document, the second largest section type. |
A part of a section, the third largest section type. |
A part of a subsection, the fourth largest section type. |
Content to be placed at the end, separate from the main document. |
Adds a header to a document, aligned to right, center, or left. |
Makes text bold. |
Adds an underline to text. |
Italicizes text. |
Resize text in this group by a relative size. |
Changes the color of text. |
Pass text to render it in a monospace font. |
Makes text all caps, but with originally capital letters slightly larger than other letters. |
Don't replace latex characters in this blocks such as or %, useful for adding latex commands or comments manually. |
Creates a footnote at the bottom of the page, with a mark next to where the object itself is placed to reference the footnote. |
Renders passed contents as Python code, with syntax highlighting. |
Gets a reference to the current page number, can be included in headers and more. |
Used for setting paragraph indents, from the left or right. |
Displays the string "LaTeX" with special formatting |
Bullet point items. |
Used for creating latex figures from images. |
Used for more control over building figures |
Basic class for including graphics, just the image with no structure. |
Represents one section of a table. |
Represents a subsection in a panel, but tracks row and column labels, which may be consolidated when assembled into Panels then a Table |
Represents one row of labels. |
A set of label rows to apply to a DataTable. |
Only necessary to use if need to set span or alignment manually. |
An object for creating latex tables. |
The main part of a LaTeX table which contains the rows and columns. |
Python interface for a part of a table containing rows and columns with values |
Alignment of a single column in a table |
A set of column alignments, usually for the whole table |
A line which can be added on the top of a table |
A line which can be added in the middle of a table |
A line which can be added at the bottom of a table |
A table line which does not need to stretch to the full length of the table |
A label which spans multiple columns in a table |
A line break character to be used in LaTeX tables |
tabular* environment, allows for controlling width. |
Layouts and Spacing¶
Align the passed contents to the center of the container |
Adds a break point where a new page should be started. |
Vertical fill, put between items to put vertical spacing between them. |
Horizontal fill, put between items to put horizontal spacing between them. |
Manually insert vertical spacing, of a given height. |
Manually insert horizontal spacing, of a given length. |
Draws a horizontal line across the text width. |
Create an intentional line break in text |
Contents within this environment will not have a page break come in the middle. |
Prevents a line break within text, where a hyphen would normally be placed. |
Returns paragraph to the default of justifying text on both left and right. |
Groups together latex items so that "global" commands will only affect the items in a group |
Lay content out in a grid where each cell is arbitrarily sized |
Evenly spaced grid layout. |
Multi-column layout that does not make any constraints on vertical sizing. |
Inserts vertical spacing between items until they fill the content area |
Inserts horiztonal spacing between items until they fill the content area |
Layout multiple columns in a text area |
Pass a label to create an in text reference to that label. |
Pass a label to create an in text reference to that label. |
A label which can later be referred to by Ref |
Create links to urls, with or without displaying text instead of the link. |
Biblography document which is an article. |
Biblography document which is of miscellaneous type. |
Biblography document which is a manual. |
High-level class for working with bibliographies in LaTeX. |
Basic citation command, creates a reference to a document included in the bibliography. |
Paragraph citation command, creates a paragraph (with parentheses) reference to a document included in the bibliography. |
In text citation command, creates an in text (without parentheses) reference to a document included in the bibliography. |
The main high-level class for creating presentations, can render presentations as PDF in either a presenter style or a handouts style. |
Basic unit for creating a slide in a presentation. |
Block with an optional header |
Block with an optional header which is red |
Block which always has the header title "Examples" |
Takes content and adjusts it to 90% text width, 80% text height, but keeping the aspect ratio. |
Creates a CellFrame, automatically setting widths and heights as an even split based on the shape of the content passed |
Single list item which reveals on each slide one-by-one and as the next one reveals, the last one dims. |
List items which reveal on each slide one-by-one and as the next one reveals, the last one dims. |
A TwoColumnGraphicFrame where the non-graphic column is bulleted or numbered dim and reveal items |
A GridFrame with graphics on one side and text on the other. |
Similar to TwoColumnGraphicFrame, but does not put any constraints on vertical sizing |
Similar to TwoColumnFrame but does not put any constraints on vertical sizing |
Creates a GridFrame, automatically setting widths and heights as an even split based on the shape of the content passed |
A Frame where the content is bulleted or numbered dim and reveal items |
Resizes passed graphic to take up entire frame. |
Resizes each graphic to full width and puts vertical space in between graphics. |
Creates an effect on a frame such as appearing on a later frame. |
Option to be passed to Overlay which says object should exist on the frame on a certain range of slides e.g. |
Option to be passed to Overlay which makes object appear on the next slide of the frame, and creates an additional slide |
Option to be passed to Overlay which makes object appear on the next slide of the frame, and does not creates an additional slide |
Option to be passed to Overlay that makes object exist until the end of the frame |
Appendix to be used in a beamer presentation |
Define a color using an RGB code, such as RGB(33, 173, 42) |
Define a color using a hex code, such as #21ad2a |
Base class for creating custom Pyexlatex templates. |
Base class which makes it easy to create new environment types. |
A jinja Environment but with pyexlatex models as built in filters and handling extracting pyexlatex data |
A jinja Template but with pyexlatex models as built-in filters and handling extracting pyexlatex data |
A data model combined with a Jinja template. |
LaTeX Package Management¶
Represents LaTeX usepackage{}, pass to Document if any custom LaTeX packages are needed. |
API Documentation¶
A full list of modules