Welcome to Pandas Utilities documentation!

High-level tools for common Pandas workflows

To get started, look here.

An overview of pd_utils

This is a collection of various functions to extend pandas. Here is a listing of the current functions.


left_merge_latest(df, df2, on)

Left merges df2 to df using on, but grabbing the most recent observation (right_datevar will be the soonest earlier than left_datevar).

groupby_merge(df, byvars, ...)

Creates a pandas groupby object, applies the aggregation function in func_str, and merges back the aggregated data to the original dataframe.

groupby_index(df, byvars[, ...])

Returns a dataframe which is a copy of the old one with an additional column containing an index by groups.


This function reduces the given series down to unique values, applies the function, then expands back up to the original shape of the data.

Date-time Handling


Converts a date or Series of dates loaded from a SAS SAS7BDAT file to a pandas date type.


Takes a dataframe with a datetime object and creates year and month variables

expand_time(df[, ...])

Creates new observations in the dataset advancing the time by the int or list given.

expand_months(df[, ...])

Takes a monthly dataframe and returns a daily (trade day or calendar day) dataframe.


Used for constructing a range of dates with pandas date_range function.


The US trading day calendar behind the function tradedays().

Fill Data

fillna_by_groups(df, byvars)

Fills missing values by group, with different handling for string variables versus numeric

fillna_by_groups_and_keep_one_per_group(df, ...)

Fills missing values by group, with different handling for string variables versus numeric, then keeps one observation per group.

add_missing_group_rows(df, ...)

Adds rows so that each group has all non group IDs, optionally filling values by a pandas fill method

fill_excluded_rows(df, byvars)

Takes a dataframe which does not contain all possible combinations of byvars as rows.


averages(df, avgvars, byvars)

Returns equal- and value-weighted averages of variables within groups

state_abbrev(df, col[, ...])

Replaces a DataFrame's column of a state abbreviation or state name to the opposite

long_to_wide(df, ...[, ...])

Takes a "long" format DataFrame and converts to a "wide" format

winsorize(df, pct[, ...])

Finds observations above the pct percentile and replaces the with the pct percentile value.

var_change_by_groups(df, ...)

Used for getting variable changes over time within bygroups.

join_col_strings(df, cols)

Takes a dataframe and column name(s) and concatenates string versions of the columns with those names.


portfolio(df, groupvar[, ...])

Constructs portfolios based on percentile values of groupvar.

portfolio_averages(df, ...[, ...])

Creates portfolios and calculates equal- and value-weighted averages of variables within portfolios.

long_short_portfolio(df, portvar)

Takes a df with a column of numbered portfolios and creates a new portfolio which is long the top portfolio and short the bottom portfolio.


formatted_corr_df(df[, cols])

Calculates correlations on a DataFrame and displays only the lower triangular of the resulting correlation DataFrame.


cumulate(df, cumvars, method[, ...])

Cumulates a variable over time.


reg_by(df, yvar, xvars, groupvar)

Runs a regression of df[yvar] on df[xvars] by values of groupvar.


select_rows_by_condition_on_columns(df, ...)

Selects rows of a pandas dataframe by evaluating a condition on a subset of the dataframe's columns.

sql(df_list, query)

Convenience function for running a pandasql query.

Loading Data

load_sas(filepath[, csv])

Loads sas sas7bdat file into a pandas DataFrame.


to_copy_paste(df[, index, ...])

Takes a dataframe and prints all of its data in such a format that it can be copy-pasted to create a new dataframe from the pandas.DataFrame() constructor.

Indices and tables