Automating Flexlate Workflows using CI

Flexlate comes with official Github Actions and workflows to automate template updates using CI. This tutorial will walk you through the process of setting up the workflows to update the templates and keep the Flexlate branches up to date.

By the end of this tutorial, template updates will be fully automated in your project, besides approving PRs and resolving merge conflicts.

Setting Up the Github Actions Workflows

Option 1: Use the Official Copier Template

There is an official Copier template that contains the necessary workflows to update the templates and keep the branches up to date. You can simply add it to your project and it should work as-is.

    $ fxt add source
 Adding template source...
 Adding template source copier-flexlate-github-actions from

 Sucessfully added template source copier-flexlate-github-actions

$ fxt add output copier-flexlate-github-actions
 Applying template copier-flexlate-github-actions to /tmp/tmprbpyp4ar
 Updating 1 applied templates

Name of the main branch
main_branch_name? Format: str

    create  .github/
    create  .github/workflows/
    create  .github/workflows/flexlate-update.yml
    create  .github/workflows/flexlate-after-merge.yml

    create  temp.txt

✔ Successfully updated template output
✔ Successfully applied template copier-flexlate-github-actions to 

$ ls -l .github/workflows
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 runner docker 855 Aug 14 15:51 flexlate-after-merge.yml
-rw-r--r-- 1 runner docker 728 Aug 14 15:51 flexlate-update.yml

Option 2: Manually add the Workflows

You can also just manually create the necessary workflow files in your project. The workflow files should be created in the .github/workflows directory.

Set up the Flexlate Update Workflow

Set up the Flexlate Update action to run on a schedule, or with a manual trigger:

name: Update Template using Flexlate

    - cron: "0 3 * * *" # every day at 3:00 AM

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      max-parallel: 1
        python-version: [3.8]

      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          ref: ${{ github.ref_name }}
          fetch-depth: 0
          token: ${{ secrets.gh_token }}
      - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
        uses: actions/setup-python@v3
          python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
      - uses: nickderobertis/flexlate-update-action@v1
          gh_token: ${{ secrets.gh_token }}
          main_branch_name: main

Both actions/checkout and actions/setup-python must be run before the Flexlate Update Action. actions/checkout must be run with fetch-depth: 0 so that all branches and history are fetched.

Set up the Flexlate After-Merge Workflow

Set up the Flexlate After-Merge action to run after the main branch or a flexlate-output branch is merged:

name: Flexlate After-Merge
      - main
      - flexlate-output-**
    types: [closed]
        description: "The name of the base branch that the Flexlate branches were created on"
        required: false
        type: string
        default: template-patches

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      max-parallel: 1
        python-version: [3.8]

    if: (github.event.pull_request.merged == true || github.event.inputs.branch )
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          ref: master
          fetch-depth: 0
      - uses: nickderobertis/flexlate-merge-action@v1
          branch_name: ${{ inputs.branch }}
          gh_token: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}
          main_branch: main

actions/checkout must be run before the Flexlate Update Action with fetch-depth: 0 so that all branches and history are fetched. The remaining logic allows running the workflow manually targeting a specific set of Flexlate feature branches.

The Workflows, Explained

Flexlate Update Workflow

This workflow uses the Flexlate Update Action to create PRs with template updates. The workflow will run on a schedule or by manual trigger:

Flexlate Update Workflow Run

If there are no template updates, it will exit successfully.

Update without Conflicts

If there are updates, then it will open a PR:

Flexlate PR Was Opened

You will see the new changes from the template as well as the version in flexlate.json being updated.

Diff of the Flexlate Update PR

After you merge this PR, the Flexlate After-Merge workflow will be triggered.

Update with Merge Conflicts

If there are merge conflicts, it will instead open a merge conflict resolution PR instead.

Flexlate Merge Conflict Resolution PR Was Opened

You can resolve these conflicts right in Github’s web editor:

The button within the Github PR to resolve merge conflicts

Clicking that button will take you into the web editor:

The Github UI to resolve merge conflicts

After you’ve resolved the conflicts, you should merge immediately. The merge to the main branch will be in another step triggered by the Flexlate After-Merge workflow.

Flexlate After-Merge Workflow

The after-merge workflow serves two functions: to merge Flexlate feature branches into Flexlate main branches, and to open a PR with template updates after resolving merge conflicts in the web editor.

Merging Flexlate Feature Branches

After you’ve merged a feature branch that has corresponding Flexlate feature branches into the main branch, the after-merge workflow will automatically merge those Flexlate feature branches into the Flexlate main branches.

Flexlate After-Merge Workflow Run The state of the Git history after merging Flexlate feature branches into Flexlate main branches

Opening a PR with Template Updates After Conflict Resolution

After you’ve resolved merge conflicts in the web editor, the after-merge workflow will run. It will see that a flexlate-templates-*-for-conflicts branch was updated and automatically merge that branch into the original flexlate-templates- feature branch, then merge that branch into the feature branch. Then a PR will be opened with that feature branch. At the end of this process, it is just like a PR was opened in the first place without conflicts.

The state of the Git history after resolving conflicts and opening a new PR