Source code for capiq_excel.workbook.create

from typing import Sequence, Dict
import os
import string
import itertools
import math
import pandas as pd
from openpyxl.utils.dataframe import dataframe_to_rows

from exceldriver.workbook.create import get_workbook_and_worksheet
from .commands import financial_data_command, id_command, name_command, holdings_command, market_data_command

[docs]def create_all_xlsx_with_commands(folder: str, company_id_list: Sequence[str], financial_data_items_dict: Dict[str, str], market_data_items_dict: Dict[str, str], **financials_kwargs): [ create_xlsx_with_commands( folder, company_id, financial_data_items_dict, market_data_items_dict, **financials_kwargs ) for company_id in company_id_list ]
[docs]def create_xlsx_with_commands(folder: str, company_id: str, financial_data_items_dict: Dict[str, str], market_data_items_dict: Dict[str, str], **financials_kwargs): wb, ws = get_workbook_and_worksheet() _fill_with_commands(ws, company_id, financial_data_items_dict, market_data_items_dict, **financials_kwargs) if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) filepath = os.path.join(folder, f'{company_id}.xlsx') return os.path.abspath(filepath)
[docs]def create_all_xlsx_with_holdings_commands(folder, company_id_list, date_str_list, data_items_dict): [ create_xlsx_with_holdings_commands(folder, company_id, date_str, data_items_dict) for company_id, date_str in itertools.product(company_id_list, date_str_list) ]
[docs]def create_xlsx_with_holdings_commands(folder, company_id, date_str, data_items_dict): wb, ws = get_workbook_and_worksheet() _fill_with_holdings_commands(ws, company_id, date_str, data_items_dict) filepath = os.path.join(folder, f'{company_id} {_date_str_to_file_format(date_str)}.xlsx') return os.path.abspath(filepath)
[docs]def create_all_xlsx_with_id_commands(ids: Sequence[str], folder, num_files=100): wb, ws = get_workbook_and_worksheet() if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) df = pd.DataFrame() _fill_id_column(df, ids) _fill_capiq_id_column(df) _fill_capiq_name_column(df) rows_per_df = math.ceil(len(df)/num_files) count_per_wb = 0 count_of_wb = 0 for index, r in enumerate(dataframe_to_rows(df, index=False, header=True)): if index == 0: headers = r count_per_wb += 1 ws.append(r) if count_per_wb >= rows_per_df: count_per_wb = 0 count_of_wb += 1 wb, ws = _save_wb_by_index_get_new_wb(count_of_wb, folder, wb) ws.append(headers)
##### Helper functions #### def _save_wb_by_index_get_new_wb(index, folder, wb): filename = f'ids {index}.xlsx' filepath = os.path.join(folder, filename) wb, ws = get_workbook_and_worksheet() return wb, ws def _fill_id_column(df: pd.DataFrame, ids: Sequence[str]): """ NOTE: inplace """ df['ID'] = ids def _fill_capiq_id_column(df): """ NOTE: inplace """ df['Blank 1'] = df['ID'].apply(id_command) # Blank needed because ids will populate to the right by one column df['IQID'] = '' def _fill_capiq_name_column(df): """ NOTE: inplace """ df['Blank 2'] = df['ID'].apply(name_command) # Blank needed because ids will populate to the right by one column df['IQ Name'] = '' def _fill_with_commands(ws, company_id: str, financial_data_items_dict: Dict[str, str], market_data_items_dict: Dict[str, str], **financials_kwargs): """ Note: inplace """ # Set default freq try: freq = financials_kwargs['freq'] except KeyError: freq = 'Q' date_var, date_var_label = _get_date_var_and_label_from_freq(freq) column_generator = excel_cols() # Fill dates first current_column = next(column_generator) ws[f'{current_column}1'] = financial_data_command(company_id, date_var, **financials_kwargs, data_item_label=date_var_label) for item in financial_data_items_dict: current_column = next(column_generator) ws[f'{current_column}1'] = financial_data_command( company_id, item, **financials_kwargs, data_item_label=financial_data_items_dict[item] ) for item in market_data_items_dict: current_column = next(column_generator) ws[f'{current_column}1'] = market_data_command( company_id, item, **financials_kwargs, data_item_label=market_data_items_dict[item] ) def _fill_with_holdings_commands(ws, company_id, date_str, data_items_dict): column_generator = excel_cols() for item in data_items_dict: current_column = next(column_generator) ws[f'{current_column}1'] = holdings_command( company_id, item, date_str, data_item_label=data_items_dict[item] ) def _get_date_var_and_label_from_freq(freq): if freq == 'Y': date_var = ( 'IQ_FISCAL_Y', 'Fiscal Year' ) elif freq == 'Q': date_var = ( 'IQ_ABS_PERIOD', 'Fiscal Quarter' ) else: raise ValueError('Must pass Y or Q for freq') return date_var def _date_str_to_file_format(date_str): return date_str.replace('/','-')
[docs]def excel_cols(): n = 1 while True: yield from (''.join(group) for group in itertools.product(string.ascii_uppercase, repeat=n)) n += 1