Source code for capiq_excel.main

from typing import List, Dict, Union, Sequence, Optional
import os
from capiq_excel.workbook.create import create_all_xlsx_with_commands
from import populate_all_files_in_folder
from capiq_excel.ids import download_capiq_ids, _get_ids_from_csv_path
from capiq_excel.combine import combine_all_capiq_xlsx

[docs]def download_data(company_ids: List[str], financial_data_items: Optional[Union[Dict[str, str], Sequence[str]]] = None, market_data_items: Optional[Union[Dict[str, str], Sequence[str]]] = None, ids_folder: str = 'in_process_ids', data_folder: str = 'in_process_data', data_outpath: str = 'capiq data.csv', ids_outpath: str = 'capiq ids.csv', restart: bool = True, timeout: int = 240, run_failed: bool = False, **financial_command_kwargs): """ Downloads data from Capital IQ given arbitrary ids such as name, ticker, CUSIP, ISIN, etc. :param company_ids: :param financial_data_items: Financial data items to pull for companies. Only pass variables which show up on the Financial Data tab in the formula builder. keys are variable names in capital iq, values are what the names should be in the output data. e.g. {'IQ_TOTAL_REVENUE': 'Sales'}. If wanting to use the original names from Capital IQ, simply a list may be passed, e.g. ['IQ_TOTAL_REVENUE'] :param market_data_items: Market data items to pull for companies. Only pass variables which show up on the Market Data tab in the formula builder. Format is the same as financial_data_items :param ids_folder: Location for in-process files for getting ids :param data_folder: Location for in-process files for getting data :param data_outpath: Path to csv where final data should be outputted :param ids_outpath: Path to csv where Capital IQ ids should be outputted :param restart: If not the first run, start over from the beginning. Set to False to start from where left off :param timeout: Time to wait for file to be populated before considering it failed :param run_failed: Should only be set to True on a second or later run. Will target the failed files instead of the main files if True is passed. :param financial_command_kwargs: kwargs for :py:func:`.financial_data_command` :return: """ if restart or not os.path.exists(ids_outpath): capiq_ids = download_capiq_ids( company_ids, outpath=ids_outpath, folder=ids_folder ) else: capiq_ids = _get_ids_from_csv_path(ids_outpath) download_data_for_capiq_ids( capiq_ids, financial_data_items=financial_data_items, market_data_items=market_data_items, folder=data_folder, outpath=data_outpath, restart=restart, timeout=timeout, run_failed=run_failed, **financial_command_kwargs )
[docs]def download_data_for_capiq_ids(capiq_company_ids: List[str], financial_data_items: Optional[Union[Dict[str, str], Sequence[str]]] = None, market_data_items: Optional[Union[Dict[str, str], Sequence[str]]] = None, folder: str = 'in_process_data', outpath: str = 'capiq data.csv', restart: bool = True, timeout: int = 240, run_failed: bool = False, **financial_command_kwargs): """ Downloads data from Capital IQ given the capital IQ ids and chosen variables :param capiq_company_ids: Capital IQ ids for companies, e.g. ['IQ4564656', 'IQ45643215'] :param financial_data_items: Financial data items to pull for companies. Only pass variables which show up on the Financial Data tab in the formula builder. keys are variable names in capital iq, values are what the names should be in the output data. e.g. {'IQ_TOTAL_REVENUE': 'Sales'}. If wanting to use the original names from Capital IQ, simply a list may be passed, e.g. ['IQ_TOTAL_REVENUE'] :param market_data_items: Market data items to pull for companies. Only pass variables which show up on the Market Data tab in the formula builder. Format is the same as financial_data_items :param folder: Location for in-process files :param outpath: Path to csv where final data should be outputted :param restart: If not the first run, start over from the beginning. Set to False to start from where left off :param timeout: Time to wait for file to be populated before considering it failed :param run_failed: Should only be set to True on a second or later run. Will target the failed files instead of the main files if True is passed. :param financial_command_kwargs: kwargs for :py:func:`.financial_data_command` :return: """ financial_data_items, market_data_items = _get_data_items_dicts(financial_data_items, market_data_items) if restart or not os.path.exists(folder): print('Creating XLSX files with commands') create_all_xlsx_with_commands( folder, company_id_list=capiq_company_ids, financial_data_items_dict=financial_data_items, market_data_items_dict=market_data_items, **financial_command_kwargs ) print('Populating XLSX files with Capital IQ data') populate_all_files_in_folder( folder, restart=restart, timeout=timeout, run_failed=run_failed ) print('Combining individual XLSX files into a single CSV file') combine_all_capiq_xlsx( folder, outpath, restart=restart )
def _get_data_items_dicts(financial_data_items: Union[Dict[str, str], Sequence[str]] = None, market_data_items: Union[Dict[str, str], Sequence[str]] = None ) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: if financial_data_items is None and market_data_items is None: raise ValueError('must pass either financial_data_items or market_data_items') out_dicts = [] for data_items in (financial_data_items, market_data_items): if data_items is None: out_dicts.append({}) elif not isinstance(data_items, dict): # Convert list to dict out_dicts.append({var_name: var_name for var_name in data_items}) else: # Got dict already, just add to output unchanged out_dicts.append(data_items) return out_dicts # TODO: download_ids, download_holdings, or combine those into the above function