Source code for capiq_excel.combine

import os
import re
import tempfile
import math
import traceback

import pandas as pd

from import _get_outpath_and_df_of_headers, _append_df_to_csv, append_csv_to_csv
from processfiles.files import FileProcessTracker

[docs]def combine_all_capiq_xlsx(infolder, outpath, restart=True, num_parts=100): file_tracker = FileProcessTracker(folder=infolder, restart=restart, file_types=('xlsx',)) outpath, df_of_headers = _get_outpath_and_df_of_headers(outpath) all_columns = [col for col in df_of_headers.columns] # TODO: cleanup # Set up appending to many files to speed up process. Then the part files will be combined at the end num_files_per_part = math.ceil(len(file_tracker.process_list) / num_parts) file_num = 0 with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: print(f'Creating temporary directory {temp_dir}') print(f'Running first pass of append. Will create {num_parts} files to be used in the final append.') for i, file in enumerate(file_tracker.file_generator()): # Every time we process num_files_per_part number of files, increment the output file if i % num_files_per_part == 0: file_num += 1 temp_outpath = os.path.join(temp_dir, f'{file_num}.csv') df_of_headers, all_columns = _append_capiq_xlsx_to_csv(file, temp_outpath, df_of_headers, all_columns) # Now append created parts to output file print('Running second pass of append. Using in part files to create output file.') file_tracker = FileProcessTracker(folder=temp_dir, restart=True, file_types=('csv',)) outpath, df_of_headers = _get_outpath_and_df_of_headers(outpath) all_columns = [col for col in df_of_headers.columns] for file in file_tracker.file_generator(): df_for_append = pd.read_csv(file) # load new data df_of_headers, all_columns = _append_df_to_csv(df_for_append, df_of_headers, outpath, all_columns)
def _append_capiq_xlsx_to_csv(file, outpath, df_of_headers, all_columns): df_for_append = pd.read_excel(file) # load new data if _filepath_has_date(file): id_, date = _capiq_filepath_to_iq_id_and_date(file) df_for_append['CQID'] = id_ df_for_append['Date'] = date else: df_for_append['CQID'] = _capiq_filepath_to_iq_id(file) df_of_headers, all_columns = _append_df_to_csv(df_for_append, df_of_headers, outpath, all_columns) return df_of_headers, all_columns def _filepath_has_date(filepath): filename = os.path.basename(filepath) # strips folders, etc. pattern = re.compile(r'(IQ\d+) ([\d-]+)([.]xlsx)') return True if pattern.match(filename) else False def _capiq_filepath_to_iq_id(filepath): filename = os.path.basename(filepath) #strips folders, etc. pattern = re.compile(r'(IQ\d+)([.]xlsx)') return pattern.match(filename).group(1) def _capiq_filepath_to_iq_id_and_date(filepath): filename = os.path.basename(filepath) # strips folders, etc. pattern = re.compile(r'(IQ\d+) ([\d-]+)([.]xlsx)') match = pattern.match(filename) return,